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Sony says PS2 for 2-3 more years | PS3 for 9

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Apr 17, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
There's a decent read on the future of the PS2 & PS3 over at MSNBC with an interview with Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America.

It's going to be interesting to see what does happen in the future however I think MS is probably going to take Sony's advice and let the 360 live a long life just like the PS2 is. Therefore negating the Sony argument of the 360 being a dated system and the PS3 a more forward thinking console for tomorrow and taking market share with it's "all-in-one" approach. Not to mention the difficulty developers are having with creating PS3 titles. Maybe it'll get better, maybe not? Here's a few quotes to wet your palette.


... if you put it into perspective, we’re not taking the safe route. We didn’t take the PlayStation 2 and add a few bells and whistles to it. … What we’re trying to do here is … refocus the game industry towards high-definition gaming, a real state-of-the-art, future-proof machine for the next decade.


We realized that not every consumer is going to be ready for what the PlayStation 3 offers in the first year and I don’t know that we expect or need them to be ready for it. We need them to be ready for it over the next decade. And if you look at the PlayStation 2, as you just pointed out, we sold 120 million machines so far — but we certainly didn’t sell them all in the first year.


the reality is that we’ll sell more PlayStation 2s this year than we sold last year. Our seventh year is bigger than our sixth.

So I don’t see any reason why PlayStation 2 has to end anytime in the near future.


So, if next-gen was Internet-connected consoles and high-def, how long do you see this generation lasting?

I think it should last for 10 years. I think we’ve got more technology under the hood and more growth potential in terms of what developers can do with the software than we’ve had in previous generations.
Hmm I don't know. I already am a little upset that I can only get aa with deferred lighting in dx 10, and the ps3 and 360 don't have dx 10. I think the graphics will be way too outdated in 10 years. It'd be like making a new game for the Nintendo 64.
2 words.

O RLY???

Seriously, what is Sony thinking. The PS3 isn't THAT superior to the 360. This is basic market logic. It'd be like me putting a game out for the Dreamcast right now, that's how the PS3 is going to stand in a few years. How is the 360 dated? It was first to market, first to strike with a few huge blockbusters, and they have many many more coming down the pipe. What if Metal Gear Solid 4 sucks? What if this huge plan doesn't work out?

2 words.

O RLY???

Seriously, what is Sony thinking. The PS3 isn't THAT superior to the 360. This is basic market logic. It'd be like me putting a game out for the Dreamcast right now, that's how the PS3 is going to stand in a few years. How is the 360 dated? It was first to market, first to strike with a few huge blockbusters, and they have many many more coming down the pipe. What if Metal Gear Solid 4 sucks? What if this huge plan doesn't work out?


Metal Gear Solid 4 will never suck..... Metal Gear Solid series never sucked :beer: OK...end of hypnotize.
Hmm I don't know. I already am a little upset that I can only get aa with deferred lighting in dx 10, and the ps3 and 360 don't have dx 10. I think the graphics will be way too outdated in 10 years. It'd be like making a new game for the Nintendo 64.

The 360 uses a modified DX10.

It's true: The graphics will certainly be outdated in ten years... unless they find a way to update the graphics card. This has already been done for laptops. The PS2 has thus far lasted 7 years. So ten years for the PS3 is not a stretch. They didn't really start pushing the envelope of what the PS2 could do until GTA San Andreas. (Well actually I guess Shadow of the Collosus and that game that came out beforehand were the begining.) God of War and God of War II, two all-time best sellers, came out very late in the console's lifespan.

So before any of you rush to judge, let me remind you: They've already done it before. (Before as in "now.")

And I've already mentioned elsewhere that, where Nintendo seems to believe they have the console of the present (I would agree with activision's CEO's assesment that the Wii and DS are being purchased more as toys than gaming platforms), Microsoft and Sony have the consoles of the future. When it comes time for all games to be on Bluray and HD, both companies will be ready for that. When it comes time to upgrade those hard drives to 500 gigs, both companies will be ready for that. When it gets to the point where Nintendo's hardware limitations paint them into a corner... Well... You saw what happened to the Dreamcast. (Yeah, yeah... other factors... Yada yada...)

That said, there's no reason why both Sony AND Microsoft's consoles won't be around at least... if not ten... at LEAST another 6 or 7 years. Microsoft said in the begining that the Xbox was just Microsoft buying themselves into the market. As soon as they'd accomplished that, and released the 360, they pretty much abandonned the Xbox. But I could only see them doing that this time if people really figure out how to use the Cell to it's full potential over the next 5 or six years and the 360 proves itself inadequate. Otherwise I think they may be in it for the long hall this time because they have the processing power and infrastructure that simply wasn't available at the time of the original xbox. (Just look at how Xbox Live has changed.)

I forget how many million people are signed up for Xbox Live and how many million more are signed up for PSN. But the installed base is already there for the long hall. The hardware will continue to improve (like when, halfway throuh the PS2's lifecycle, Sony started upgrading everyone's system with improved cooling, a quiter DVD drive, and I forget what the third improvement was. This was for people that had been getting disc read errors, though technically anyone with an older PS2 could've sent theirs in.), and the user base will continue to grow.

I think they mean it this time.
I can see it on one hand, Sony lost their *** on the hardware and will take a long time to recover, and don't want to introduce new hardware because of that but if Microsoft brings along something in 5 years that totally thrashes the PS3, they will force their hand.
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all i know is the last system i purchased was a PS2 back in 2002, and hte only game i purchased was GTA3 which I never even completed. I played Halo1/2 for a while on xbox, but didn't hit the console scene in a very big way.

then i got this 360 last week and i'm hooked. it's expensive enough as it is and i have zero intention of moving to PS3. what really sells me is the online play via XBL, without that I probably wouldn't be even half as interested. (and of course, I'm a huge fan of the Halo scene still ;))

so, i don't really care what sony does, the only reason i got a PS1 was that fabulous little game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.... now that I can score the series on XBOX also i'll stick with that. looking forward to the XBox <whatever comes after 360> already :)
No the xenos chipset in the 360 only supports dx 9.c., and shadermark 3.0. But I agree with everything else you said Rainless. The wii really will be hurting in a few years when the wiimote madness wears off and people realize that they can play fun games that look good at the same time.
Actually Rainless is more correct on this one Hardin, 360 uses a specially brewed version of DX that is like a blen of DX9 and DX10 with some 360 specific stuff thrown in.
Unified shaders != dx 10. There is a lot more to dx 10 than unified shaders and while the xenos has this it basically is just dx 9.c.
Unified shaders != dx 10. There is a lot more to dx 10 than unified shaders and while the xenos has this it basically is just dx 9.c.

I dunno. I've heard numerous times basically the same thing Fudge said, that it was a blend of DX 9/10. Maybe we should both look for links and see what we come up with?
Well this is what I found when searching. http://forum.pcvsconsole.com/viewthread.php?tid=16960
It mentions that the xenos doesn't have geometry shaders which is another feature of dx 10. So I'm pretty comfortable in saying that the 360 is not dx10.

I didn't say it was, I said it was a customized version of direct X that incorporates aspects of DX9 and DX10 along with specific 360 instructions.... did I not?
There was rumors that Sony would use the CELL in PS4 and just work around it with more better memory and other electronic gadgets that make the things run. I suppose it's going to be hard cause the original father of Playstation Ken Kutaragi has now gone so it's upto someone else to design the next 1 but Ken still will play a small part in Sony future plans.

I'm slightly glad at this cause games developers will give what the current consoles have a good push and maybe just maybe get more out of what they currently can do.