Forgot this thread even existed.
I now own a Switch. When it comes to games consoles, normally there is a title that makes me go, I want to play that, I can't do it another way, so I have to get it. That title was Pokemon Snap. It was fun for some weeks, but now I'm feeling like, there's nothing else that is a must get. Pokemon Arceus sounded promising, open world Pokemon BOTW style? When I saw actual gameplay, it wasn't what I was looking for. I don't know what I wanted, but it wasn't that. Chocobo GP was a maybe, but the inclusion of mobile game like progression upset many. Mainline Pokemon games are just all so samey, I didn't feel like doing the same thing I've done multiple times with updated visuals and yet more pokemon names. I even tried BOTW, but since I played Genshin first, BOTW just didn't wow me. I knew when buying the Switch I wasn't the target demographic, so I'm not exactly overflowing on games I want on it.
On a parallel note, I bought a PS5 recently. There wasn't any must have game this time around. It was more like, I had a one-off chance, and if I passed I don't know when the next chance might come. So I need games for it... Gran Turismo 7 just got released, and I played this series back to 3 or maybe even earlier. It was pretty nostalgic to me. Gameplay was as expected, and it looked better than ever, but it was nothing new. Genshin on PS5 runs worse than on my PC, although to be fair my GPU alone cost 2x what the whole PS5 did. WoWS Legends seems like a simplified equivalent to the PC version. I've given up on FF main series games since XV moved to action combat, so XVI is not on my radar. So, I'm still struggling for something I can't get elsewhere that I want to sink a ton of time into. There was a teaser recently for something looking like a spiritual successor to FF Tactics but that is its own niche, I could fill now with Disgaea if I wanted to.