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Top 10 weapons?

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1. How can you touch a lightsaber. It frickin blocks bullets and pulse rifle stuff.
2. Laptop gun!!! - Perfect Dark
3. Klobb - Goldeneye
4. Rocket Launcher - Halo
5. Sniper - Halo
6. Remote Mines - Goldeneye
7. Rcp90 - Goldeneye
8. my precious M4a1 - CS
9. AWP - CS
10. Xpacks - BF (oh man, just load them in jeeps and apcs and let the fun begin).
I'm too lazy to make list, but my favorite gun has always been the chaingun in every game that's had one. Partial to the Doom 3 chaingun, but that Super nailgun in Quake comes in 2nd.
In no particular order

Vindicator Minigun (fallout 2)
Lightsaber (JA)
Laser Guided Rocket Launcher (HL)
BFG (Doom1 and Doom 2, D3 one isnt as cool)
pistol (halo)
crossbow (HL)
plasma grenades (Halo)
Plasma rifle (Doom 3)
Sniper Rifle (Farcry)
Chainsaw (all Dooms)
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1. Back Stabbing Knife in RTCW
2. Crossbow in Half Life
3. Sniper Rifle in original UT
4. Flamethrower in RTCW
5. Railgun in Q2
6. Field Ops Air Support in RTCW
7. Minigun in RTCW
8. Beavertooth Chainsaw in DoomIII
9. Remote Mines in HL
and last but certainly not least...
10. Silver Boomarang in Zelda

My vote for the gayest weapon goes to the Soulcube from DoomIII.

If I could choose a #11 it would be changing into Guardian mode in my Skull Squadron Robotech Veritech Valkryies in Robotech: Battlecry ...
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Here be mine...

1) Pistol - Halo
2) Sniper Rifle - Halo
3) Fuel Rod Gun - Halo
4) Frag Grenade - Halo
5) Rocket Launcher - UT 2004
6) iG Shock Rifle - UT 2004
7) Shotgun - Doom 3
8) Soul Cube - Doom 3
9) Dual Ingrams - Max Payne 2
0) AVRIL - UT 2004

Had to throw a shotty on there... and none kick *** like the Doom 3 shotty. That gun pwnz if you've got a good ungibbable mod... Blood == Everywhere.
The Soul Cube? It usually only kills just one monster and it looks gay with the red sparkles and stuff. It's something that the CareBears would have used to cheer your day up...
Some sweet lists but i can't believe people choose so many Halo guns. Erm hello, there like crap, haha.
TommyHolly said:
The Soul Cube? It usually only kills just one monster and it looks gay with the red sparkles and stuff. It's something that the CareBears would have used to cheer your day up...

Nah it looks pretty cool.

That's blood spray, not sparkles.

It rips through them with spinning blades...

Once you beat the game you see a little movie of it in action.
I'd also have to include the ripper from Unreal Tournament. I wonder they never incorporated it into UT 2003/2004? Anyone know of a mod that adds it?
DMac said:
I'd also have to include the ripper from Unreal Tournament. I wonder they never incorporated it into UT 2003/2004? Anyone know of a mod that adds it?

Is that the skarrj type one's, that fired those ninja type things, that bounced of walls?
the silenced gun on Far Cry set to semi-automatic
the quake Rail Gun
Doom 3 BFG :clap:
that funky shock-gun from RTCW (forgot the name)

chainsaw in Doom Series... can't beat slicing and dicing your enemies :D
1. Chainsaw (Doom 2/3)
2. Rail Gun (Quake 3)
3. BFG (Doom 2 not 3, 3's isnt that cool)
4. Mauser Sniper Rifle (RTCW)
5. Rocket Launcher (Quake 3..oldie but goldie!)
6. Bezerker fists (Doom 2/3)
7. Magic Wand (Zelda 1)
8. Hammer Suit (Super Mario Bros 3)
9. Spread gun!! (Contra)
10. Gernades (Doom 3)

wow I only play FPS's mainly lol
I can't beleive no one's picked up the "eight ball" launcher from Unreal! Best weapon ever designed for games. shoot rockets, bouce grenades, up to six at a time! I was truly disappointed they left it out of Unreal 2. Second would come the the railgun from "Red Faction", heat sensor optics allowed you to shoot through doors and walls, awesome! The rest ya'll have covered pretty thoroughly. although i really liked the sniper gun from Unreal, especially the reaction from the aliens when you scored a clean hit and popped thier head off and they'd stand around for a second feeling for it before they collasped. Totally Awesome.
bojangles said:
1. How can you touch a lightsaber. It frickin blocks bullets and pulse rifle stuff.
2. Laptop gun!!! - Perfect Dark
3. Klobb - Goldeneye

Laptop gun ownz! (lets not forget the farsight though, most ridiculous gun ever) The Klobb is one of the worst weapons ever lol. Rocket launchers + temple = hours of fun. Also, proximity mines + basement = lots of suicides.
Yeah, the Unreal rocket Launcher was friggin quality. Not quite in mine though cause i didn't play the game much.

I love the COD BAR, as it's so accurate in short bursts. When i played COD a lot, it was my fav weapon.