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XP Pro 64-bit: HDD question

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Sep 8, 2002
I'm about to load XP-64 onto the first partition of an already multi-partitioned drive (500gb). Does anyone know if 64 natively supports drives above 137GB?

(for instance XP Pro-32 does *not* until you install SP2)

If not you could always slipstream the service pack into the disk and you wouldn't have any trouble.

According to Seagate's Knowledge base, you'll need sp1, or better yet, sp2 even on XP Pro X64 to enjoy built-in 48 bit addressing (breaking the 137GB barrier). However, you should have no trouble with the install if that partition is less than 137GB. (Which is 128GB in binary)

Try the install on a 120GB partition, download-> Install the service packs, and resize the partition. Slipstreaming might also be a solution, but you'll need to ask smarter folks than I for info on how to do that.

Whatever you do, let us know how it works out. That way others with the same question can learn the best solution.
slip streaming xp updates is cake, if you need help, let me know i think i know how to do it on x64

shouldn't be any different then the 32 bit at least.
Yea it's kind of a lame catch-22 in that way. I had to do a temp install of XP Pro x64 then do the slipstream then I reinstalled from the slipstreamed CD.
you can do the slip on any Microsoft based machine actually (well, mabye not 95,me, and nt)

just as long as you get the x64 slip update hell, you could even do it on a virtual machine if its blocking you from doing it on 32 bit i'm not sure if it does a OS check before the slip happens?
I am not real sure as I haven't tried it, but won't nLite do a slipstream for x64 even from a 32 bit environment? I haven't personally had to do too much with 64 bit rigs as of yet, so I am not real sure.
It is possible apparently

You need to download server 2k3 32bit and 64bit updates.

unpack them with an archie tool. Copy the files from the 32bit "update" folder into the 64bit "update" folder then do a normal slipstream with the /integrate switch.

I have not tried this myself, but read it on a friends forum.


Slipstreaming sounds semi-intimidating but that's probably because I haven't read over the documentation yet; something I'll rectify shortly. The problem I had when I initially installed XP(32) was that I had my 500gb drive spit into:

100gb - OS
300gb - data
100gb - misc

I had W2K previously installed on the OS volume so, prior to installing XP, I deleted the first volume and left it unformatted; something I've done half-a-gazillion times on smaller capacity drives.

When I went to install XP(32), it saw the entire disk as 137gb unsupported blah blah blah drive.

This was over a month ago, I forget what exactly I did in my *attempt* to make it work but I thoroughly fubar'd the partition table (or something) and nothing was recognized, even when the drive was put into a running system with XP(32) SP2.

Fortunately I had a data recovery app so I didn't lose anything; but I really don't want to repeat that mess again. If I'm not mistaken, the copy of XP(64) is already SP1, though I forget what build it is (I previously installed it on a test rig for compatability).