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comp turns off after 3 seconds.

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Oct 13, 2002
As the title states my comp wont be on for more than 3 seconds before it shuts off. I have tried 2 different NF7-s and an old msi kt333 mobo and no-go. At first I thought it was the psu since I had a generic 400 watter so I went out and got an antec 430 true power psu and same crap happens. Ive switched out the ram between a samsung 512mb pc2700 stick and a mushkin 512mb pc2700, Ive switched the processor from a 1.8ghz duron and a 1700+, Ive switched the vidcard from an ancient sis 8mb card and a 9700 pro. what gives? something worth noting is that when I switch the power from 115 current to 230 the comp will stay on but no video. what should I do? ive done the usual tricks, reseting cmos, making sure theres no shorts anywhere and nothing, im stuck. thanks in advance for reading this far and for help if I do get it.

edit: i put in the speakers to check what noise I get when I turn on the comp. I first get one beep and then like a siren noise. two alternating beeps. never heard that one before so im going to go look at what it is.
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Check your motheboard manual. It should say what all the beeps mean.

Other than that, it sounds like a temperaure problem to me. Are you sure the heatsink is making contact with the CPU? Usually, it takes 3-5 seconds for a processor to reach its full temperature. Maybe it's just overheating and the computer is shutting down?
i dont think its my cpu overheating but my beep error means : No Power, Loose Card, or Short. Dont understand why im getting this. unless i have a short somehow.
The wailing siren noise is usually for something like voltage out of range, or overclock fail.

This may sound silly, but do you have a fan plugged into the cpu fan header on the mobo? Lots of motherboards (I know Asus are guilty of this) have a special protection scheme, where if there's no fan plugged into that header on the initial boot, it will shut down.

That might be your problem.
thanks for the responses. oni, i have a fan plugged in to the cpufan thing so that cant be it.
Even if you have a fan plugged in, if the speed sensor on the fan is bad the same thing will happen. Try another fan.
just tried a different fan and no-go. Im going to try to plug it into a different circuit.
just tried two different parts of the house and still nothing. im at a lost of what to do, I think I've tried everything honestly.
did you plug the power into your radeon 9700 card? if u didn't then it won't start up. my mobo displayed "your 9700 card is not plugged in " or something like that.
yes on all questions, if my radeon did display that message I'd be closer to solving my problem, it wont stay on long enough to display it.
Yep, I meant reset the cmos. Sorry about the confusion. CMOS would prob be the more correct term, but people around here tend to say "Reset the BIOS."
You may want to try to borrow a generic video card and try that. You could even buy a real cheap one.
sorry for no responses, was out with the fiancee. well i have reseted the bios and I have tried a generic card, so I dont know what to do. giving it one last shot tomorrow.
its been out of the case the whole time as I always check if something works before screwing it in. I use a screwdriver to connect the 2 pins in order for it to turn on.