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dugans' LAN 06- April Edition

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g0dM@n said:
You figure something out? I'm 95% sure I'm going, so you should count on me. I talked to a friend as well, who I may bring...

Let me know soon, Jack cuz otherwise I'll ask another friend... I'd rather bring you, though. :)
Im talking to my mother tommmrow(there was a death in the family) about this.
ANY ONE FROM ...Syracuse,,,Albany ,, Buffalo ,,, Rocheter .,,, need a ride ? ?
Assuming I'll have the same employer in April I've verified the time off for this LAN so expect me there by noontime Saturday, Nebulous in-tow :D.

If I get out early enough Friday I could come early to help setup and test things (but I typically work until 9 or 10PM Fridays).

I'm currently installing some games since my recent reformat, and ghosting that drive for any potential hard drive/hardware failures. I strongly suggest others bring the necessary items for this possibility. It never seems to fail someone's doing something with their PC during the LAN, and having the software needed is a great help. It won't be me this time, I promise :D.

I'm definitely stuck bringing the 27" and it makes sense since I have a few custom games mods to get widescreen working (and I would hate to reset them and forget how to get the ws back :p ).
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My condolences, jack222. :(
Never a good thing to deal with.

That's good news on the dedicated server front, snvpa. :)

Please keep track of any mods/add-ons be nice to have media ready for folks, just to ensure problem-free gameplay. Thiw WILL be the first time in a couple of years we have allowed/encouraged mods on a game server, due to past difficulties.

Of course my network has improved a bit since then. ;)

Captain Slug- great to hear man. :D
Figure out when/where, etc. and let me know.
I am not too sure about being able to go. :-/

Lost my jaerb on Sat., and no luck with a new one yet. :bang head
rogerdugans said:
Please keep track of any mods/add-ons be nice to have media ready for folks, just to ensure problem-free gameplay. Thiw WILL be the first time in a couple of years we have allowed/encouraged mods on a game server, due to past difficulties.

No media needed.

Everything will be hosted on a file server.
MY GOD!!! So my GF tells me that it's her brother's surprise party that Saturday! haha

It's okay... I told her "I don't give a s___ this time." I told her like it is, Doug... this time... g0dM@n's goin to the lan!!
Son1990 said:
Hahaha yes ill bring it and show it off to you all!

Just be sure to tie me down, i'm sure that thing could suck me up :D

Fishy: even though there's gonna be a fileserver, still bring some media... i'm sure something will go wrong :D
Boo Hoo

Pinky said:
I'm definitely stuck bringing the 27" and it makes sense since I have a few custom games mods to get widescreen working (and I would hate to reset them and forget how to get the ws back :p ).

Awe... poor guy... HAVING to bring the 27" LCD. *sniff. It's so, so tragic. :cry:

Pfththth. You believe this guy? :p Next thing he's going to say is he is seeing some flicker on it and he'll have to go buy a $900.00 replacement video card. :D

Don't worry. If it's that much of a burden, you can use one of Doug's 19 inch CRT's that I have right now. Or, I can rent you time on my 32" Samsung LCD. Which ever is easier. :santa:

- Blackstar
Blackstar said:
Don't worry. If it's that much of a burden, you can use one of Doug's 19 inch CRT's that I have right now.

No, no wait... THIS is tragic. ^^^ Doug, Mr Legacy Hardware himself, has a piece of equipment that you needed to borrow... :santa:
(c) I live several thousand miles away.

Yeah I'm a a couple miles away, and I haven't gone yet.

Fishy, I'm counting on the keg (I will chip in for some adult beverages). I haven't played half of these games, so I'm gonna get schooled but it'll be a good break from my studies, and give my roommate the whole room to spent some quality time with his girlfriend.

Piinky if that 27" disappears, as well as me, and my stuff, I didn't take it I swear