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RIP eQuinOx.

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Uber Folding Senior
Jul 17, 2003
All. It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our friend Rich Peaslee otherwise known as eQuinOx.

To my knowledge, he leaves behind a wife and grown child. equinOx was the first of several who taught me that you need to be careful to whom you smack talk. I nearly matched his production when I let him know to get out of my way. Instead, he converted all of his folding might to team 32 and left me in the dust for about two years. This was the point that I started to ramp up my production and I only just passed him in total points about a week ago.

He was a kind sole who was encouraging to all. He loved beer, and Ford as he worked at his local dealership.

Please think of his family in this time as their lives have been forever changed.




Here is a link to the gofundme page to help pay for medical and funeral expenses.

Thank you to any and all who help them out.
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Condolences to the Peaslee family. :(
He will always be remembered for his passion for folding, he was pushing hard for Team32.

I will fold for him in addition for my grandfather and Adak.
My prayers go out to to the Peaslee family. Even though I don't fold that much it's always sad when a member of our community passes.
I hate when reality dents my fantasy world.

It makes me realize each and every one of you is a lot more than an avatar.

Be safe brothers !

RIP equinox --- I am so sorry for the family.
Fellow Wisconsinite and packer fan. God has a special place for you, good Sir.
I was informed by his daughter that there will be a "gofundme" account set up in the near future. I await to see it and will post a link here once I get it.
RIP equinox. Condolences to his family and friends.

My first time back to the forum in months and it was not what I was expecting. You will be missed :salute:
I'm asking everyone to please donate to the gofundme account for Rich's funeral/medical bills. Even $5 if you would. The link is at the bottom of the first post. Rich was a terrific member of this team and his passing was not expected. Put in the comments that you are a member of team 32 to let his family know what he meant to us. They are aware of who we are since his passing. Seriously, even a token amount of $5 would show that we honor his involvement in the team.

P.S. His rigs are still producing and he is set to overtake a few other members even in death.
