alright so lets say for a minute i took most peoples advice stuck with my current cpu and just got a better mobo and gpu i have a few questions
1. I dont know anything about OC'ing so how hard would it be to OC my current cpu? (all i know is it is not unlocked)
2. what kinda of money am i looking at spending to cool the cpu after the OC (lets say i get it to 4GHZ)
3. what graphics card should i look into as i said earlier i want this thing to last for at least 2-3 year if that sounds realistic. (looking at the 680 4gb FTW+ atm)
4. Is a 750W PSU enough to handle this ?
If you don't mind me adding a late suggestion considering tomorrow you're going to buy a mobo and cpu, another option would be to just buy a new GPU without overclocking either like the 7950 for $290 (starting price on Newegg). That would be the least expensive option. I use DDR2 with a 1065t and even the HDD will not matter much except for loading games before they start. I plan on buying myself a 7850, and the 7950 will definitely last 3 years. Even though your board isn't made for overclocking, a 7950 with a 1045t will play most games well for at least two years w/o OCs. The only other bottleneck with my recommendation is your motherboard has hypertransport speeds of 1000mhz instead of a 2600mhz, and another option is to buy a less expensive AM3+ motherboard for your Phenom and upgrade it to an FX later on. This one costs about $64: You can buy another 1045t (they're 104.99 on Amazon) for her too. Other upgrade features to search for are triple/quad channel ram, and PCI-e 3.0. That can stall more time before you buy a build for yourself, seeing that a new GPU will serve your interests, and the CPU hers, and depending on both of your needs, you can do more browsing for components, finding bargains as you see them, one at a time and have a much longer-proof motherboard/cpu.
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