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Codename: G92

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Well he was basically being a troll stating we shouldn't speculate... When that's what a lot of us like to do.

Back on topic: Personally I can't wait for the inclusion on the free 4xAA feature like the Xbox 360 has, it's about time to be honest, and should boost performance at comparatively little cost. It's just a shame it's not free 8xAA because jaggies are still noticeable on 4x (to me anyway). :)
Well he was basically being a troll stating we shouldn't speculate... When that's what a lot of us like to do.

Exactly. The point of his post was obvious. If he is not acting like a school girl for spreading rumors, then the natural assumption is those who are doing so are acting like school girls. He further suggest everyone not speculate which again is what the point of this forums are for in a sense, and what I wanted to point out. Hell there countless threads here based on speculation.
My comprehension is fine, maybe he needs to work on his writting.

If I get banned because he implied the speculators including myself are school girls, then in a pathetic attempt at being nonchalant called me an *** then I will gladly take my vacation with the realization that flame throwers and their victims get banned here. There was no reason for his post other then to flame. He has now compouned that with saying first I cant read, second I should have majored in english( a trully lucrative major, oh wait no its not), then implied I am an ***.

I guess I am just supposed to take a back handed implication at being a High School School Girl, and an *** in the fear of not getting banned. Sorry thats not me

On topic
I belive ugly after my first post implied that I said the card would be more powerfull.
So there is no confusion let me post that.
IF, there was a faster card comming out in Nov, then some one would have leaked at least ONE photo by now. But theres nothing out there what so ever, no info of any kind.
If you re read my post I in no way said it would be more powerfull. I stated it was going to solve vista an gamming issues. He appears to have misread what I wrote. I will say again the nvidia employee only said the card was going to address vista and gaming issues, he did not imply a more powerfull card. That was never asked as far as I know, and certainly not stated in my post. It was clearly an assumption that was made by UglyChild.

As TO once said "all day baby all day"
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You should have majored in English instead. But because you didn’t, i will give you a English lesson.

And thanks for pointing out that i typed hs school, that was my mistake on my part.

Okay this you can ban me for. Wow I dont want anymore of your english lessons. If you are going to give me a lesson shouldnt you not make errors in doing so? I do thank you though I laughed pretty hard.

Ugly if you would like to PM me so we can make each other laugh feel free. Sorry for the derailment but he is funny.
Ahbroody, you just said, "shouldnt [sic] you not make" which would be a double-negative. :p
I think i said what happens when people assume, there for you should not assume, instead just ask. You not a mind reader, thus you dont know what i did or did not implied. Once again dont assume, ask.

And i suggested not to speculate, make up, spread rumors, because one person says something, and with an hour half the web will think its a fact. Common sense.

Neural Net.

If im a troll, then you are a troll just as much as i am, with your childish comment; "you got served". Take your own advice. And name calling like "troll" is childish.
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Ahbroody, you just said, "shouldnt [sic] you not make" which would be a double-negative. :p

You are correct. However, I have never claimed to be an expert in writting, or attempted to proclaim I was superior in my abilities to express myself. I am better at digesting what people write then writting things myself which is why I chose to study the law.

Okay now back on topic.
I will ask my boss to speak with his brother again and try to gain some additional knowledge for those who are interested. If you are not then just disregard what I write. I will say again as I said prior, they may delay the release as apparently there are some things that they are having issues working out. If anyone has a specific question, within reason I can attempt to have my boss ask his brother I will do so. I think I said this already, but I am not a big tech guy so I dont really know specifically what to have asked.
First off, you have taken this far too seriously.

Secondly, you insulted everyone in this thread (and at least a large portion of the OCF community).

Thirdly you continued to target members with ever more commitment.

Fourthly, saying "If I am then so are you" when my initial comment was a joke and yours was not, is an inaccurate analysis of the similarities of our behaviours in this thread on your part. So please do not associate me with the likes of yourself.

Additionally, I suggest you lighten up, no doubt you will then reply with a similar kind of message, but I was not the aggressive protagonist in this situation, you were.

Lastly, for the record, "Troll" perfectly summarizes your behaviour, if you believe such a word is childish, then perhaps you should think why you would be associated with such a term.

I'm surprised this thread has not been locked. I hope that it will be.
Let's just gather around and <3 each other. :D

I <3 OCF. :D

Yes we can :) <3
BUT, I love OCF more!

But back on topic....
G92... Why would they specifically name something G92 if it has nothing to do with a 9? But, with a low number like 2 following it, I CAN see how it wouldn't have anything to do with a 9. sounds more like an 8900 to me, then a 9800 IMO.

(By the way, if I repeated something from before, sorry! I didn't have time to read through... completely...)
This thread is going down fast and if this bickering and crap doesn't stop, this thread will be locked and some folks will get a vacation. No more flaming anyone will be tolerated.
G92 is the name of the chip, not the board. The board will be 8900 or 9800 I presume. The ATI has the R600 chip in a 2900 board (I think?).
G92 is the name of the chip, not the board. The ATI has the R600 chip in a 2900 board (I think?).

Ah... well then...
To me it sounds odd.
Wasn't the 8800 chip called G80? Why would they move backwards, after going up a number?
AMD's quad core cpu or K10, called Barcelona for servers and Phenom on the desktop.
Before any benches were released Inq claimed they saw one rig with 2 card crossfire do30K in 3DM06, a week later AMD corrected them.
AMD's quad core cpu or K10, called Barcelona for servers and Phenom on the desktop.
Before any benches were released Inq claimed they saw one rig with 2 card crossfire do30K in 3DM06, a week later AMD corrected them.

Oh I see, thanks! :)
Well... I've got $600 sitting in paypal that's been accumulating interest over the last several months as I wait for some final benchmarks from these new cards.

Makes me just want to say screw it and get an 8800GTX and possibly step up to whatever new EVGA card comes out that might be worth stepping "up" (if indeed it's up) to.