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Codename: G92

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You left out the
Unless they are looking for a 8700 or something like that.

part of what I wrote, anyway I think a middle card like 8700 might be needed, but 8900 they don't. I mean the Ultra is frikken expensive.
They are making every day profits, more and more people are moving up from slow cards to faster 8800 series cards. Even many ATi users are buying Nvidia cards. Sales are good, no competition, thus no need to make and sell a newer card above 8800.

IF, there was a faster card comming out in Nov, then some one would have leaked at least ONE photo by now. But theres nothing out there what so ever, no info of any kind.
The thing is that there's no point in releasing it RIGHT NOW. (Or November, as stated)

The 8800 cards are profitable, and already have been manufactured and costs are down.

Later they will, but currently, probably not.

Like I said he stated Nvidia was going to release this card for vista and gaming purposes. The lost planet, bioshock (for some people) issue and known vista problems are known to Nvidia and they from what he said have recieved a fair amount of feedback from the hard core gaming community about these issues. I dont know if maybe there are also crysis issues as well as he didnt say anything about that. If there were crysis issues also, as it is likely they are testing this game on the current cards, then it would make sense to fix the problem. He also said they are not even concearned about XP at this point and this new card is geared totally at vista compatibility and gaming issues.

I dont know this whole rumor thing is always annoying. You obviously dont know me or whether I am telling you the truth. All I can say is I have been here for awhile have never posted wild speculations and can honestly say what I said came from a Nvidia employee in the development department in the santa clara campus on sunday night. He did say the release could be pushed back even further if they cant get the bugs fixed and this was an issue still.

Just passing along the info as I felt you guys would want to know. I dont imagine the guy would lie to his brother. I guess we will only know after the release occurs. Like I said I dont know if this is a revamp or a new creation my boss neglected to ask for some reason.
The thing is that there's no point in releasing it RIGHT NOW. (Or November, as stated)

The 8800 cards are profitable, and already have been manufactured and costs are down.

Later they will, but currently, probably not.
You are right.
Unless they have the next gpu already taped out and have nothing to do for those few thousand engineers. ;)
The Inquirer is reporting the G92 will indeed be a replacement for the 8800 line instead of just a 8600 refresh. They also report a new naming scheme. The Inquirer seems to have a bad reputation because they report tech news like a tabloid (I like the style, plenty of laughs =D), but they are also very accurate and rarely wrong.

From the Inq - http://theinquirer.net/?article=42569

I still never really believed the Inquirer. :p
I will be ULTRA (pun intended) ****ed off if nVidia's answer to all the Vista problems is to buy new hardware!! With nvlddmkm.sys errors occouring since january (Vista release), I had been starting to speculate if its not some inherent hardware issue that cant (and hasnt) been resolved with drivers for the last 9 months.

It will be interesting if nVidia's new line of GPUs run flawlessly in Vista. Sure as hell doesnt help those with useless current setups without opening the wallets again.
I will be ULTRA (pun intended) ****ed off if nVidia's answer to all the Vista problems is to buy new hardware!! With nvlddmkm.sys errors occouring since january (Vista release), I had been starting to speculate if its not some inherent hardware issue that cant (and hasnt) been resolved with drivers for the last 9 months.

It will be interesting if nVidia's new line of GPUs run flawlessly in Vista. Sure as hell doesnt help those with useless current setups without opening the wallets again.

Well thats what he said which is what suprised me. Apparently the vista issue cannot be solved by a driver release. I dont understand this but then again I am not that tech savy. He basically said the card was geared around vista. So I dont know but maybe they cannot get the current cards to work correctly.
Thats funny, if the card works for a lot of people, then for people it doesnt work then they must have screwed something up from the get go. Other wise EVERY ONE would have same exact problem/s. But they dont.

Ill wait till November before i start speculating or spreading rumors like a HS school girl. I suggest all of you do the same, so you dont mislead/misinform other people.
Wow so apparently then there should never be speculation threads for fun.

I dont appreciate the implication of being a school girl and dont know why you chose to throw flame like that un needed. I never understand why people on the internet feel free to say stuff they would never say to most other persons face to face.

You have your own option here and so does everyone else. Its the change the channel or dont read it option. How about you just stay off the thread and not call people girls instea of reading stuff you dont want to and telling people what to do.

Wow so apparently then there should never be speculation threads for fun.

I dont appreciate the implication of being a school girl and dont know why you chose to throw flame like that un needed. I never understand why people on the internet feel free to say stuff they would never say to most other persons face to face.

You have your own option here and so does everyone else. Its the change the channel or dont read it option. How about you just stay off the thread and not call people girls instea of reading stuff you dont want to and telling people what to do.


And that was my exact point. People dont know how to read, thus assuming things other wise as to what was said in the first place.
Ill wait till November before i start speculating or spreading rumors like a HS school girl. I suggest all of you do the same, so you dont mislead/misinform other people.

Well seeing as how I am in my final year of law school I am fairly sure I understood what you wrote. I have also never been told I had a comprehension problem before you told me I did.
I helped you by emphasizing where I got my ideas from in your post. The HS GIRL comment I could only assume was directed at those of use speculating as that is what it implies. The "I suggest you all do the same" is a request that we not speculate is it not? Please enlighten me as to how I was suposed to interperate your post because I just dont see how that could not be taken as calling us school girls and requesting we stop engaging in a speculative discussion. Which is afterall partly what these forums are about.
Please dont come at people you dont know as if you are superior. O and by the way HS School Girl is redundant. HS Girl would be correct, but High School School Girl is redundant. I guess people should learn to write correctly if they are going to state people dont know how to read.
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Well seeing as how I am in my final year of law school I am fairly sure I understood what you wrote. I have also never been told I had a comprehension problem before you told me I did.
I helped you by emphasizing where I got my ideas from in your post. The HS GIRL comment I could only assume was directed at those of use speculating as that is what it implies. The "I suggest you all do the same" is a request that we not speculate is it not? Please enlighten me as to how I was suposed to interperate your post because I just dont see how that could not be taken as calling us school girls and requesting we stop engaging in a speculative discussion. Which is afterall partly what these forums are about.
Please dont come at people you dont know as if you are superior. O and by the way HS School Girl is redundant. HS Girl would be correct, but High School School Girl is redundant. I guess people should learn to write correctly if they are going to state people dont know how to read.

LOL someone just got served. :beer:
Well seeing as how I am in my final year of law school I am fairly sure I understood what you wrote.

You should have majored in English instead. But because you didn’t, i will give you a English lesson.

I’m going to break it down for you.

I’ll wait till November before i start speculating or spreading rumors like a HS school girl. I suggest all of you do the same, so you don’t mislead/misinform other people.

There 2 sentences. Between each one there is a period that separates the 2 sentences.

The first sentence states that "I" will not spread rumors like a HS Girl. No where does it talk about any one else besides my self.

Second sentence, clearly states that that every one should not spread rumors either. No where does it state that you are/were/is/will be a HS Girl at any give point in time. It does how ever suggest that you should not spread rumors. Thus, you made an assumption as to what I said. And you know what they say about assumptions? When you make an assumption, you make an *** out of you, me.

And thanks for pointing out that i typed hs school, that was my mistake on my part.
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UglyChild, you did not state it, but you implied it. Perhaps you should have taken that major.
Probably be wise to keep personal attacks out of the thread. Let's keep on topic!
Probably be wise to keep personal attacks out of the thread. Let's keep on topic!
^^ what he said, personal attacks get you vactions from the forums for min of 90days if i recall.

we always guess at whats coming down the pipe, doesnt matter if its NV,ATI,INTEL,AMD or who. its always fun to see just how close we as a Elite group of computers users can guess at what the companies are going to give us. i know i enjoy doing it, im rather close in some cases, but not that often. at the same time it drives buzz about new computer parts.

anywho, have cold one, walk around outside for about 15mins to cool off,:soda: guys.