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Codename: G92

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Bout time some of you guys started opening your eyes... first of all, naming the card a 9800 would probably be the very stupidest marketing they could ever have done... and ****, nvidia is not stupid. There's no point in making a whole new product now, it would't sell nearly as well as the 8800 did, even if it was two times as fast, people already blew a lot of cash and quite frankly, we don't need that speed yet. It'd be a lame investment on their part. Sure they'll come out with something new sometime soon, but it's not going to be 2X faster than a 8800, if even as fast. They're gonna use the parts that they already have, they're in production, so why not save some cash and make more affordable "8800's"? Heh, but man, if they really do come out with a 9800, geeze will I feel stupid... but until then, I'm standing strong.

You made a good point there. I still don't have that kind of money for a 8 series video card, though.

I agree they would be competing with their own top cards, since ATI has nothing against the GTX and the ultra better to concentrate on the midrange which is currently crap, and with a new 9600 like card they could milk it away.
Afaik ATI is also aiming to the same segment with the gladiator.
8500/8400's are already out, G92 was to push more in the midrange with the 8700's. seems 8700's are gonna be what the 8600's should have been.
I said way back on the first page that the whole thing was a scam. LOGIC would tell you that. If people are CPU bottlenecking with 8800GTXes... then what the hell do you think would happen with a card that was twice as fast?
Itll be a decent midrange card like the 7 series had, but the 8 series currently lacks. No one who brought an 8800 can get another mortgage to afford another super high end card yet.
DX9 looks fine! And our 8800s even the low 320 models all run perfect maxed out on new DX9 games like Bioshock (theres an option for DX10 shaders), MOH:A, Quake Wars and looks like COD 4 and UT 3 will be using DX9. So its not over yet..and personally I watched comperisons and there is a small difference the way it looks, and a major difference in the way it plays.

That IT Website (HARDSPELL) said:

740MHz core clock
64 stream processors
256-bit DDR3 1800MHz 512MB
TDP between 7900GS and 7900GTX
3DMark06 on QX6700: 97xx
Price: US$249-299


800MHz core clock
32 stream processors
256-bit DDR3 1600MHz 512MB
TDP higher than 8600GTS
3DMark06 on QX6700: 74xx
Price: US$169-199

BWUH!? 9700 3DMark06 on those specs?!

I hope this isn't right because I want my higher end cards...
9700? Sounds about right... I'm running my single 8800 GTS at 756mhz as I type this (in between 3dmark 06 runs) and I just hit 13236. That would make that thing more efficient per stream processer per mhz then the 8800 GTS.
i hope this drives prices of some cards down before christmas. I'm hearing the 2900pro is only ~250 but it can overclock to 2900XT speeds, so i'm definitely waiting for the 2900pro. However, if the 8700 can be had for lower with simulair performance, i'll definitely consider the 8700.
If the card is not out yet, then how in the world they got a 3Dmark score? These guys are worse then Inquirer.

Regardless, its slower then a GTX and GTS.
The Inquirer is reporting the G92 will indeed be a replacement for the 8800 line instead of just a 8600 refresh. They also report a new naming scheme. The Inquirer seems to have a bad reputation because they report tech news like a tabloid (I like the style, plenty of laughs =D), but they are also very accurate and rarely wrong.

From the Inq - http://theinquirer.net/?article=42569
i still don't think it's going to happen, this time last year when the 8 series was due in nov we had pictures and pre-release reviews out on them. all we have here is some hear say -

never the less, im not holding my breath.