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Getting an infinite loop in MS Visual Basic

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Aug 20, 2002
I'm trying to learn C++, and right now I'm trying to make an idiot proof program (ie: enter in all the wrong values) so I use while loops. But I have a problem. If I input a letter where a number should go, the program enters an infiniteloop.

Here's an exmaple of the code I'm using:

double Water;

cout<<"Enter the amount of water used: ";

while (Water<0){
cout<<"Value must be zero, or a positive number"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the amount of water used (in gallons): ";

When run and a letter is entered for Water, this is what gets displayed:

Enter the amount of water used: Value must be zero, or a positive number
Enter the amount of water used: Value must be zero, or a positive number
Enter the amount of water used: Value must be zero, or a positive number

What I should do to prevent the loop from happening?

Can you use an if statement to check whether the input is a letter or number. You could check using ascii values. Why is the title "Getting an infinite loop in MS Visual Basic but you're using C++. Just wondering.

I've had this problem before... the problem is that after cin>>Water there is still some input left in the input buffer (such as a carriage return or something similar) and subsequent calls to cin>>Water will not actually wait for input but get the data that is already in the buffer.

Here is an example of how to clear the input buffer. Put a call to the function after both cin>>Water statements and you should be fine.

// ClearError
void ClearError(istream& istr)
	// This code was taken from Visual Studio (VC++) online 
	// help files and modifed to B209 conventions. This 
	// function fully resets anything left in the input buffer.
	const int	BUFFER_LENGTH = 20;

	streambuf*  buffer;
	char        tempBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
	int         count;

	istr.clear();					// Clear error flags
	buffer = istr.rdbuf();			// Get streambuf pointer
	count = buffer->in_avail();		// Number of characters in buffer

	while(count)					// Extract them to tempBuffer
		if(count > BUFFER_LENGTH)
			buffer->sgetn(tempBuffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
			count -= BUFFER_LENGTH;
			buffer->sgetn(tempBuffer, count);
			count = 0;


for example,

double Water;

cout<<"Enter the amount of water used: ";

while (Water<0){
   cout<<"Value must be zero, or a positive number"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter the amount of water used (in gallons): ";

NOTE: There are other ways of clearing errors in cin, however I have found this method to be best for all situations so far.
seadave77 said:
...Why is the title "Getting an infinite loop in MS Visual Basic but you're using C++. Just wondering.


Whoops, sorry bout that. I've been used to saying MS Visual Basic ;)

Thanks for your help VeryFirstSMP, the ClearError() function did the trick.
