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Happy Turkey Day you all! [Err..and I have a killer OC]

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Oct 16, 2006
This is the day we celebrate and give thank for everything we have. It’s a day we should remember the Pilgrims that ran from Brittan to get away and be free. The British were killing and putting them in prison because of their beliefs. The Pilgrims came to the Americas and found a (relatively) safe place to go and be free.
Today we continue that freedom, allowing us the privileges we often take for granted. The ability to tell our government officials how bad they are, and the enjoyment we get when we make fun of them. The ability to practice any religion or faith you want, or not to have a faith. The ability to marry who you want (as long as your not gay), and the ability to practice any profession you choose.
Our wonderful country has provided us with great wealth and full lives, and now being the fattest nation in the world, we can celebrate our wonderful bellies and how much Turkey we can put in them.
Have fun eating, being with family and friends, planning to shop tomorrow, or getting your tent out and ready to sleep outside Toys Are Us for that Mike the Ninja with the Kung Foo Grip you have been waiting all year for.

Happy Turkey Day Everyone!

ohhh... HAHAHA I got a X6800 and you dont... Nah, Nah, Nana, Naa... (keep it on topic)
Happy Thanksgiving

I got a 6600 that does 3.6 on low volts on air and you dont, you dont even have a x6800 that does that i bet.
Rattle said:
Happy Thanksgiving

I got a 6600 that does 3.6 on low volts on air and you dont, you dont even have a x6800 that does that i bet.

Yeah, well my dad can beat up your dad... After the new Gigabyte BIOS is out we will see who can fart louder

... ohh and my memory is faster too:)
Happy Thanksgiving. By the way, according to my family's documented genealogy, I'm a descendant of the original Mayflower pilgrims.
well, im the builder of 3 conroe machines. yes thats right 3.

o yea. and you don't know how much stuffing im going to eat tonight. i think im just going to get a plate full of stuffing. and nothing else.
darkcow said:
well, im the builder of 3 conroe machines. yes thats right 3.o yea. and you don't know how much stuffing im going to eat tonight. i think im just going to get a plate full of stuffing. and nothing else.

You have nothing on me. My real name is Conroe. That's right, Conroe. Do you hear me? And I have turkey and stuff coming out of my ears.

OK, I gotta go now. Damn dishes...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
bobad said:
You have nothing on me. My real name is Conroe. That's right, Conroe. Do you hear me? And I have turkey and stuff coming out of my ears.

OK, I gotta go now. Damn dishes...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


well i got it coming out of my..... you know what... im just going to stop that comment right there. :)
I am actually disappointed in my conroe... My 6400 will only go to 3.2ghz 399fsb on my P5B-Deluxe. I expected more.. therefore I am not thankful. Then again I was kinda spoiled by an D805 that had over a 200% OC, now thats a bargain.
The 805 would melt down before putting up benchies close to your E6400. So be happy!

When I finsh paying all the installments for my turkey, I'm going to get better cooling and REALLY turn on my E6400.
bobad said:
The 805 would melt down before putting up benchies close to your E6400. So be happy!

When I finsh paying all the installments for my turkey, I'm going to get better cooling and REALLY turn on my E6400.

Need more TURKEY.... :santa2:
GreenJelly said:
This is the day we celebrate and give thank for everything we have. It’s a day we should remember the Pilgrims that ran from Brittan to get away and be free. The British were killing and putting them in prison because of their beliefs. The Pilgrims came to the Americas and found a (relatively) safe place to go and be free.
Today we continue that freedom, allowing us the privileges we often take for granted. The ability to tell our government officials how bad they are, and the enjoyment we get when we make fun of them. The ability to practice any religion or faith you want, or not to have a faith. The ability to marry who you want (as long as your not gay), and the ability to practice any profession
To continue the pilgrim analogy, I would add the ability to terrorize and subjugate foreign peoples and take their land. That is something, ain't it?

While today is a day of festivity and gluttony, let's not have such an unabashedly whitewashed view of history.
well well well... its thanks giving. HAPPY THANKS GIVING!!! at least you dont have food poisening on a day like today like me :bang head ... o well i think im over all the nasty things that happen... now i have a raging headache...

oh and btw my e6600 will do 3.6ghz @ 1.36 in bios!! ... AND I am in teh 4ghz club ON AIR BIOTCH!
You guys are too much! Go easy on the food guys, don't have to eat for a whole month at one sitting. :)

BTW, I like my E6400 @ 3.44 GHz. Unfortunately, the RAM is not scaling up or maybe I'm doing something wrong. :-\
Well if you want a cynical view of the Thanks Giving go to my Ohh so Favorite place toms hardware forums. Like everything that happens there it has turned into a cynical bashing.


At least here we can celebrate what is good with the holidays.

If you feel you are hurt by these holidays and are reminded of Americas scratched past and present, then simply pray "God grant me the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference." Also please rant about the things we cannot change over at toms because these forums rock and don’t turn into discussions about such blabber.

Im happy that I have a place called home, with a fridge full of food, a warm dog to snuggle with and a TV, Computer and Bed.
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gotta love the pilgrims though slave owners who cme to a foreign land in search of freedom LOL and then they stole it from the indians, I however am still thankful for the things and quality in my life.
I too am thankful for an X6800 OC...:) Found some extra headroom, and am not finished yet. :p (Last time I tried this I stopped at 4.51)

Happy Tx giving day all :D


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