Yes, the topic is true. No matter what I do, I can rarely keep my system under 60 C. At idle the lowest I have EVERY gotten is around 57. I have a cheap fan on there now, so I know I cant expect anything good. My main question applies to people who know about watercooling. I have a 1.333 GHz (266MHz) athlon, I hear these produce more heat the 200MHz athlons. What I need to know is that if I am going to watercool, which I plan on doing. Do I need to put di-electric grease and silicon on the mobo ? The reason I ask is that I am going to be putting on 2 80 watt TEC's and I am pretty sure that there will be little to none condensation. A friend of mine has the same system and he is watercooling it with a 156 watt TEC and he keeps his temps around 30 C. I don't want to apply any silicon and di-electric grease, because the last time I did ( like 5 days ago) this mobo ( a7a266 ) got fried and I had to return it, I was running a duron 750 at the time. So I am hesitant to apply any grease to it. I hope I have given enough information for someone to understand my situation and advise. Any kind of suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.