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Help me OC a q9550 on a GA EP45-UD3L w/ 1066 DDRII

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Sep 1, 2009
Ok, I hope I am putting this in the right forum, if not I apologize...

I am somewhat of a newb @ overclocking, and I would really like some help from someone that knows what they are doing.

My rig:

MB: Gigabyte GA EP45-UD3L
CPU: q9550 (2.83)
CPU Cooler: Zalman CNPS7500 LED (with the speed control switch)
PSU: PC-Power 750W
RAM: 8 gigs (4x2gig) corsair "dominator" 1066 DDRII w/ heatsink/+fans
GPU: HIS 4870 (i know I know, I shoulda gone Nvidia but lets not go there!)
Case: antec 900 (tons of fans including a big one on top blowing out)
HDD: standard WD SATA 320 gig
OS: x64 Vista Pro.

Ok, hopefully that is enough information for starters.
I have fooled around a bit in BIOS, and managed to raise the FSB to 400 instead of 333, set the RAM freq. to the 2.66D (i think) which made it say 1066/1066 which I think is what it should be...

I did nothing to voltages or mch strap or any of that stuff as it confuses me.

Those changes put the cpu @ 3.4 ghz and it seems very stable. I let prime95 run for a few hours, and then checked temps and the hottest core was barely breaking 60C. Idle speeds appear to be in the low-mid 30's C.

I suppose there is probably more that I can do. I don't want to go nuts since I have no watercooling, but I would like to fully maximize the potential of my system, and I am not sure what if anything I should be changing re: voltages, nor if I have the RAM stuff set properly. Should it be 1:1 what ever that means?

I would be eternally grateful if someone with experience with this board could help me...tell me exactly what should be set to what in the intelligent tweaker. I suppose I can probably go higher than this 3.4 but I'm unsure of what changes need to be made to the voltages, mch, etc.

Please help!

Again, sorry if this is in the wrong section, I did not see a place specifically for OC questions, so I figured cooling was the right area...

Thanks in advance for any help I receive here!

p.s. I know to google board+cpu etc etc. I've read and read, and tried things for hours on end. I am just struggling with this stuff...a lot of it confuses me. I am hoping I can find someone w/ a similar rig that would be kind enough to just tell me what to set things at...
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Hello, and :welcome:

This thread should probably be in the "Intel CPU" section, but it's not that big of a deal. A mod will move it if need be.


First, disable SpeedStep and C1E if you haven't already. They're power saving features that reduce CPU speed.

You'll prolly want to run the 2.00B RAM multiplier to get a 1:1 FSB:RAM ratio. A 1:1 ratio will help stability while OCing, and this can be changed later. The number 2.00 in "2.00B" is multiplied by your FSB to set your RAM speed, so with the 400MHz FSB you set your RAM will be at 800MHz. Also, set your RAM timings and voltage manually, the specs are on your RAM modules.

To help stability, I also set the Performance Enhance to "Standard" and enable "Load-Line Calibration." Enabling LLC prevents your Vcore from dropping while the CPU is under load.

As for Vcore (CPU voltage), always set manually because the board will always overvolt to more than needed.

Set the "PCI Express Frequency" to 100 too.

I'm new to these GA-EP45-UD3_ boards myself, and I don't know what all the settings are for either. I know ICH is for the southbridge (ICH10/R), and I think MCH is northbridge.
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Thanks for the reply. I am writing down some notes from this.

Is 400 FSB even what I should be aiming for?

Also, you said I want 1:1 @ 800. My RAM is 1066 so shouldn't that be different?

The prior OC I had set I have undone btw...I figured until I really know what I'm doing why mess with it...so right now it is at factory settings, except I did set the PEG to 100, and I am going to go check on the Speed Step and C1E thing now.

Any specific recomendations on what I should set the FSB, Memory, and corresponding voltages to?

Thanks for the help.
Matt gave you a good start! What would also help is to read the C2D/C2Q overclocking guide found in the Intel section. :)

Is 400 FSB even what I should be aiming for?

You're not really shooting for a specific FSB, you're shooting for the FSB/Multiplier combo which gives you the highest CPU clock and is still stable.

The best way to do this is to first try to find your FSB limit. You do this by lowering the Multiplier to 6, and start increasing your FSB (and vcore when needed) until you can no longer POST. Once you have your max FSB see which Multipliers work with that FSB, vcore increases will be needed.

Also, you said I want 1:1 @ 800. My RAM is 1066 so shouldn't that be different?

Well, the 1:1 ratio helps stability while finding you're max CPU OC. This is b/c while trying all these different FSB settings, you could get some weird FSB:RAM ratios which could cause a crash. So, just keep at 1:1 until you find your desired CPU OC, then try getting your RAM back up to speed.

Any specific recomendations on what I should set the FSB, Memory, and corresponding voltages to?

Your memory voltage should be listed on your RAM. Probably 2.0-2.1v

As for Vcore, as you increase FSB you'll inevitably get some crashes of some sort, that is when you need to try increasing Vcore a little. For a starting point you can set Vcore to 1.2-1.25v

And here's a link the the OCing thread EarthDog mentioned:
HOWTO: Overclock C2Q (Quads) and C2D (Duals) - A Guide v1.7
Thanks a lot for this help, I do appreciate it. I've just spent a ton more time reading, and trying to figure this all out, including reading through that thread. Unfortunately I am still rather confused!

Main thing I can't figure out is re: the System Memory Multiplier, and it's effect on my RAM.
does the 1066, or 1333, or w/e I see in there (I understand it's gonna be 2x what the FSB is set to) have anything to do with my RAMS rated speed (1066)?
Do I want that to show 1066 1066 underneath the SMM?

I have been messing with it a bit more. Here is what I currently have it set at.
No clue if I am on the right track or not...


I notice in CPU-Z on the memory tab it shows 3:4 for the FSB : DRAM. Is this what I'm trying to get to show as 1:1?

Thanks again for all the help, and sorry for being such a newbie. While far from hardware illiterate, this is my first real OC attempt.
533 in the MEM tab means you are running your mem @ 1066 ( 533x2 )

Thats GOOD volts ! its stable ? like Prime95 BLEND for hours or something ?

Keep going, you seems to be on the right track. If you use 1:1 for your mem its gona run 800mhz ( 400x2 ).
running the prime95 "torture test" now

within minutes temps jumped up to the 50-55 range on all 4 cores.

Is that bad?

I will let the test run overnight and see how it does.

-still wish I understood the system memory multiplier thing better. I've no clue if it is set to where it should be, or if I am getting 1:1 or any of that stuff...
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torture test ran 10+ hrs w/ no errors so I guess I am in the clear with these settings.

I would like to get it a bit higher if i can though, and I still need to know what I am doingwrong (if anything) re: the system memory multiplier. I think I had set it to the 2.22D to get it to show 1066/1066 in bios. I still don't know if that is the 1:1 thing I am trying or what...help please!
Welcome to the OCForums!

Check out the Sticky by Graysky on overclocking C2Q's

I have a similar set up and overclock. I chose to use DDR2 800 RAM because I wanted it to run 1:1 with the FSB at 400. Right now your main board is automatically calculating a divider to run your RAM at 1066 (3:4 FSB: DRAM).
Your RAM's frequency = (FSB*2)/(FSB: DRAM ratio)
(400*2) / (3/4) = 1067MHz
When you manually change the settings for your RAM (timings, voltage and FSB) it will actually be underclocked to (800Mhz) run at 1:1 which is ok. You really wont see much of a difference in performance but stability wise I think its a good way to go. You will have room to overclock your cpu further without having to push your RAM beyond its specs.
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Check your mainboard's manual for what each of thoes settings give you. Some times its actually displayed on the right hand side of the BIOS under information about that setting.

Now that you know the formula you should be able to select the right setting. Always go with the recommended timings and voltage for your RAM and set it manually! When you leave it up to the mainboard you never know what youre going to get.

Some mainboards have the RAM voltage a little whacky too, they will have a default/base value of something like 1.8V so if your RAM needs 2.0V you would set it to +0.2V in the BIOS.
Welcome to the OCForums!

Check out the Sticky by Graysky on overclocking C2Q's

I have a similar set up and overclock. I chose to use DDR2 800 RAM because I wanted it to run 1:1 with the FSB at 400. Right now your main board is automatically calculating a divider to run your RAM at 1066 (3:4 FSB: DRAM).
Your RAM's frequency = (FSB*2)/(FSB: DRAM ratio)
(400*2) / (3/4) = 1067MHz
When you manually change the settings for your RAM (timings, voltage and FSB) it will actually be underclocked to (800Mhz) run at 1:1 which is ok. You really wont see much of a difference in performance but stability wise I think its a good way to go. You will have room to overclock your cpu further without having to push your RAM beyond its specs.


so even though my RAM is 1066 I should run it at 800?
What should I change that system memory multiplier to in order for that to happen?
Should it then show 1066/800 in bios underneath the smm setting for it to be 1:1?

Thanks, and sorry if I ask stupid questions, I am really new to all this!

as for RAM, yeah...the bios by default had it at 1.8 something or other. I changed it to 2.1 (2.1 is the first setting that turns pink in bios too, is that ok?)

RAM was @ 2.1 prior to running the torture test...

Made a few more changes in BIOS.
I changed it to show 900 for the RAM (2x the 450 I set cpu clock to right?)
Now it shows 1:1 in CPUZ but I am lost as to whether I am doing this right or not!


Pics of Bios:

idle temps (nothing much running) with current clock settings:


-not much difference than when the cpu was @ 3.4. btw, the CPU fan's adjustable speed dial is only about halfway up...

Things I am still not entirely sure on are:

-What exactly should system memory multiplier/memory frequency be showing

-should my cpu vcore be any higher? (seems perfectly stable as it is)

-should my MCH core be raised?

-Should I try to take the CPU and/or FSB any higher?
1. Idle temps are irrelevent (READ THAT GUIDE!).
2. Look at the memory tab you posted yourself. It says 450Mhz which in DDR is....900! So yes you did it! :)
3. Your memory frequency is what it should be. 1:1 is what I would run as you wont get any improvements that you would notice by running it at 1066 or faster (just in benchmarks, woopTdoo!).
4. If you are stable (P95 Blend for 8+ hours) the volts are fine, the lower the better.
5. See #4.
6. Thats not our choice, its yours if you should overclock more. Thats like asking if you should speed in a car. Sure you will get there faster, but there are some risks in doing so.

READ THE GUIDE :)! We are undoubetedly here to help but a lot of these questions are answered by the guide. Welcome to the game of overclocking my friend.
Thanks very much for the tips.

I DID read the guide too (about 10 times!), it's just all very confusing to me.

I do appreciate the guidance!

I also still don't quite get this system memory multiplier thing.

Why are there multiple choices to set it to that give it the same frequency? For example, I have it set to 2.00B which makes it show 900mhz. There are other settings that make it show 900 as well though, like 2.00 c, 2.00 a, etc. Does this make any difference, and if so what?

Also, what would be considered safe temps in prime95 with this clocked the way I currently have it?

I suppose I will run prime95 again now for a while and see if it is still stable. Ram seems fine so I am going to run this torture test w/ the "in place large fft's" option.

Ty again for all the help, you guys are great!
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Yep.. thats the game Suftop... Raise it until she doesnt boot and raise some volts.

You may want to set yourself a goal. For that CPU with your cooling, I would say 3.8Ghz should be sufficient.

What are your load temps in P95 Small FFT?
Hmm well the large fft torture test fails (application has stopped working windows message) after a minute or 2.

Does this mean I need to increase my Vcore?
I was watching temps and they had only raised to 55 or 57

I will reboot again, and try bumping the vcore to 1.25ish, and I will see about getting it to the 3.8 you recommended as well.
Small FFT (tests CPU, best for highest temps) or BLEND (Everything). Large is useless.

Keep that chip under 70-75C when doing Small FFT (it wont hurt to run it there, just saying that is a target to be under).

EDIT: I just noticed your vcore is manually set LOWER than stock voltages, 1.23v it appears, but DL Coretemp/Realtemp ((not Speedfan)) to see your actual VID.

ok, just got back from bios...

heres what I am at now:


Vcore set @ 1.23 something or other (the one in between stock and 1.25...1 notch up from stock)

I will run the small FFT now and report back on temps.

Thanks again!

p.s. I still don't get the system mem. multiplier thing, and the dif. between 2.00a, 2.00b, or 2.66a, 2.66b, etc... Resulting frequency is the same it seems between a and b, but it says to the right that it has something to do w/ FSB as well? Again, sorry for being a newb...but this has me confused and I have google'd to no avail.
I would be shocked if that passes P95 Small FFT at those voltages. Again, the ACTUAL voltage as reported in Cpuz is BELOW your stock voltage. But give it a whirl.

Are your memory timings on stock as well? Those look awfully high for 450Mhz. It should run at 5-5-5-15 (or even 12) at those speeds and its stock voltage.

Like the GUIDE says you should have those things set manually!

make sure you enable Load Line Calibration in the bios to prevent vdroop as well.