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PROJECT LOG "MybadOmen's" New NZXT Build ?

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Long awaited i know but i'm doing the best i can with real life and all.

This update is just simply some more work to the 5.25 bays which are still going to need allot of work to be completed. The idea behind this mod is i needed the EK CSQ Spin Res as high as possible as it will be feeding a second Primochill Phase II Reservoir i believe the D5 version but with the 2 huge rads there is tight space to get to Phase 2 res in just the right place to be fed by the EK bay res.

Anyway here's the work that was done.

As you can see there have been a couple other mods already done to this small 5.25 bay but in this mod i will be getting the EK spin res to fit in a slot that just isn't there yet.

You can see me holding the Res where it needs to go in this photo.


In this Photo i am showing the area i will be cutting out with a Dremel 3000 with a bigger arbor and 2" fiberglass reinforced cutting wheel.


And here is what it looks like before cleaning it up and completing the other mods



Here is showing how it will fit in leaving me plenty of room to hardline it. (Also remember it wont look like this as i am only working on the structure right now not the looks.)


And here is where you can really see it starting to come together perfect. It now lines up perfect with the top of the Primochill Phase II res which is exactly what i was looking for.


All bays will be filled and it will look totally different then but here is how the Res with sit sorta with the front on. Sorry bad photo..


Well not a Huge update guys but to me its big progress,I am sorry to those who follow my work and i haven't been Modding to much lately but that is all about to change shortly. I am moving across country and will have a huge shop in my new house just for modding so i am very excited about it.

As soon as Legion & JukeBench are completed i will be moving right on to more new mods.

Thanks for looking and the Support Guys and i promise i will be back full force very soon.

Take Care,
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