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New cooling system.

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Your doing great! Your thinking hard and gonna have fun. You'll prolly overthink lots like I did the first time, but caution saves parts and gives you more time to enjoy. Once it's built, quiet and good temps you lose much of the fun, but still look back and think, "I built an awsome rig".
I love being elbowdeep in a case.. I can see myself spending much time here, expanding what I know and offering little bits of advice I'm sure I'll pick up to others.. I'd love to get into case modding some day, but that's a whole new, terrifying world. More to come, tomorrow.
:D take your time, take extra care... and savor this experience. Nothin' better then makin' something that works right the first time with your own hands.
^+1. Though.. It would seem my radiator and fans were delayed. They won't be here untill the 31st, which coincides with around the time the killcoil comes in. Works out better that way, I s'pose.

On a good note, I ordered a copy of Windows 7 to install, since I'm running Vista on my current rig. That was due in tomorrow or thursday, and it came in today... The UPS guy seems to have forgotten he has another package for me though.
Case just arrived! Wooo!


This monster's bigger than I expected. I used to have a Thermaltake Armor fullsize case.. And that didn't hold a candle to the size of this thing.

I also found it's very 'modular'. this is with the front panel off, showing a fan and some of the hard drive bays.

The vent switch closed - These are the cases namesake.

With the vents removed entirely, showing the spot where my RX360 radiator will sit. Also, one of the stock fans.. I'll probably move that down to the bottom. Show that in another picture.


This one is showing another stock fan, on its little.. Thingy, that lets you direct it. There's another one, empty, right below it - That's where I'll probably put the fan from the top.

Didn't get any pictures of the other side - But the hard drives are docked in sideways, as compared to what I'm used to.. So you plug them in on the side of the case. Makes it convenient, cause I run all my cables through there anyways. Off to class now.. Hopefully the innards will arrive while I'm away.

Once I'm home, I'll get the innards put together.. Turn her on, and start getting drivers and such installed. Tomorrow will be more of that, as well as copying information from my old rig over.. Then it's just a matter of getting the WCing gear in, leaktesting it a half dozen times, and then yay! ^.^
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So, I wasn't home when UPS came to drop off the innards to the PC. I'll pick them up at the distribution center here, soon as they open tomorrow.. But untill then, I'm stuck wondering and reading.

If I plan on overclocking my CPU, should I look into a motherboard block soon? Or will it be alright with air?
If I plan on overclocking my CPU, should I look into a motherboard block soon? Or will it be alright with air?

You'll be fine as long as your voltage ain't sky high. You're pretty much set for whatever OC you're looking for. Within reasonable means. 4.0Ghz-4.8Ghz. You'll be on water so you'll be able too.
You'll be fine as long as your voltage ain't sky high. You're pretty much set for whatever OC you're looking for. Within reasonable means. 4.0Ghz-4.8Ghz. You'll be on water so you'll be able too.

Good.. That makes me happy. PArtly because there doesn't seem to be a full cover block for the UD5, and partly because I didn't want to have to find a stronger pump to handle another component.
Good.. That makes me happy. PArtly because there doesn't seem to be a full cover block for the UD5, and partly because I didn't want to have to find a stronger pump to handle another component.

Oh no. The mcp-35x is a beast and can handle more you throw at it. The motherboard blocks are usually more for a cosmetic look other than cooling the VRMs if you're doing some hardcore Ocing but those guys usually go with LN2.
Upload the pics to the forums instead of photobucket and we don't have to worry about them ever coming down!
I loved building mine in the Switch, so much room in there - I just wish some of my PSU cables had been about 2 inches longer, things aren't quite as clean as I'd have like lol. You'll be pulling so much air through the case with the Push/pull on top, like they said, no real reason for mobo block as well.

I've not seen you (or I missed it) mention on the leak tests, are you running those with the only the pump and fans plugged in? It's mentioned in the stickies I know, but if you end up with a leak somewhere it can make things potentially still salvageable by not having already shorted the board.
I'll go back and fix those pictures later - I moved them to their own album. HOw do you upload them on the forums? And for now...


AS for the leaktests, yes. I will run them with only the pump and fans plugged in.. I probably won't even run them off this rigs powersupply. I'll use a cheapo laying around, or run them off my old rig, the two side by side.
Alright.. Got everything put together.. Here's what we've got.


Wait.. Does the Corsair powersupply come in a -felt- bag? Why yes. Yes it does.

By this point, the powersupply could explode and I'm not sure I'd care. Corsair puts on a great presentation for their product, and it looks amazing.

Overall, I love the look. The cables are very neat and tidy from the front side... Though the back panel isn't nearly as tidy as you might think - That 24-pin power plug is a thick ol' cord. My only complaint(Maybe?) is that there's some sleeving I'll need to do on the 24-pin, and the USB plugs at the bottom.

Now, I'll plug it up to one of my monitors next to the rig I'm typing on.. Kick back and get the OS install going. Hopefully that'll be done before I go to work, so I can start on the drivers.

Edit: You can also see the DVD/Bluray drive up in the corner, there. I'm still iffy about leaving that in.. I'd like to have it just incase, but I could grab an external for that. We'll see.
Ahh! So, I've run into a small issue. The bracket that's supposed to hold my CPU block on is.. Requiring some assembly.

So, in the picture, there's a little tiny black and silver thing. The silver part goes into the bracket, and then the screw and washer (also shown) screws in, to hold the bracket to the block peice.

...the little silver thingy doesn't stay in the bracket.

Will I be ok putting a tiny dab of superglow in, to hold it? It's not touching anything that's supposed to move.

Edit: It is worth noting that this is only an issue with one peice of the bracket. The opposite side is perfect. I've taken the screws out of it, and it seems like its peices are just.. Holding. There is also the tiniest of lips on the silver peice, and it it has tiny little teeth that meet with teeth on the bracket (Left of the picture)... That lets me screw and unscrew if I press hard, it just doesn't -stay-.


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Grow a third arm. You didn't know that us experienced builders by the time you reach 45 years old, been at it for 15 years, 20++ rigs built and over 1000 posts just on this forum bam you wake up with a third arm with 7 fingers.

I have no ide actually. All you gave was a pic the corner of the mount, and some carpet.

What block/mobo and possibly putting the parts on a countertop for the pic and a pic of the mobo too might help.

All kidding aside (it was for our benefit), you know how it goes together but you ain't got enuff hands? I see no problem with a small dab of SG to hold it till you grow that third arm.

In 5 more years and 2500 posts my 3rd arm will have another elbow that twists up down and 359 degress around. It was invented by Bitspower, I love thier rotaries.
Rofl. It wasn't about how to hold it.. It's about it actually staying. Basically, the AMD retention plate that's supposed to mounted to the Apogee Drive II block.. Wasn't. It's supposed to be secured to the intel retention plate via two screws and two http://toolmonger.com/2009/09/10/captive-nuts/, But when I hold the plate in where it goes, hold the captive nut in, and screw the screw.. Once it's all done, the captive nut wouldn't stay. In my picture, the captive nut is the black and silver thing. Silver part 'recesses' into the retention plate, and the screw/washer holds it to the intel part. I hope that makes sense.

But, to fix it, I took some longer screws that my motherboard came with, that would fit in the captive nut.. And put the nut on the top of everything, using it like a real nut. Screwed it in, used a pair of pliers to hold it, and everything seems solid now. Pic incomming of some tubing I'm measuring out, while waiting for my rad.
There we go! One overall, showing the tubes running from my reservoir, down to the pump and VGA block. Once my rad comes in, it'll sit at the top of the case.. Pump will run into it, and from the rad, down to the block to complete the loop.

the other two are just showing the inside of the bay, where the res is.. Which doesn't sit flush to the case. >.> Not sure how I like that, still.


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