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Newegg Open Box MoBo

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I just spoke to Asus Customer Services (with the number Cryptic gave me) and they said they don't provide free accessories. Did I just ask wrong, or are they not giving free accessories?
you're probably just getting unlucky with the customer service rep. just keep trying and you'll hopefully land a good one.
I just spoke to Asus Customer Services (with the number Cryptic gave me) and they said they don't provide free accessories. Did I just ask wrong, or are they not giving free accessories?

Don't ask "Can I have some free accessories?" if that's what you were doing :) Say that your board is missing the I/O shield, etc., and ask if they can provide them.
Ha. Ha ha. With the cover off it looks like the picture. It may be a real card, but the audio quality is crap compared to a real real card. It's actually quite a bit worse than many onboard audio chips on other boards I've had.

I wouldnt say that at all...matter of fact its one of the best sound cards that I have ever used...

The Formula has the Supreme FX while the RE has the Supreme FX-FI and these are creative lab cards made for asus...so how are these not real sound cards?
OK!! I just got them to send me the I/O shield. I'll try calling back in a couple of days to see if I can get the LCD poster. Thanks Cryptic and petteyg359! :beer:

BTW, what are those thermal sensors? I never realized it was supposed to come with them. Are they any good/worth trying to get?
They have 3 extra thermal sensors that you can place for other hardware monitoring...you can view the temps in the BIOS and LCD poster

All they are are long temp sensor leads...personally I tried a set on barenaked lady memory chips...not impressed...
I have no idea where you're supposed to get the thermal sensors. I've had several boards with the pin headers for them, but none of them included anything to put on those headers. I am unable to find them on eBay, the manufacturer site, or anywhere else. I'm starting to wonder if they really exist, or if they just had extra pin headers in inventory that they needed to use, so they just stuck them on the board and assigned them to a non-existent device.
That sucks... I've had five different boards over the past few years that had the pin headers for them, and had the headers listed in the manual, yet didn't come with the actual sensors :( I posted #48 before you did #47, yet somehow your post made it into the DB before mine... odd :shrug:
Recieved my I/O plate, two MB min-fans and 3 thermal sensors today from ASUS free of charge. I know some people have not had the same luck as me in getting them for free. Like one poster said, do not ask for them for free. I simply called them and told them Newegg gave me their number because I did not recieve the I/O plate with my OB MB.

I never really said I was going to RMA the board but I probably came off that way. After I finished my speech she said they have those in stock and she will throw in the fans also. Somewhere along the lines I asked what the charge would be and she said that since my MB was within one year of purchase there would be no charge. She said she was sending me a link in my email to their online store for the rest of the accessories should I need them. I asked her if they had the thermal sensors and she said she could also include them in my order today. Notice I never asked for anything free, I believe this is usually a better way to go about things and people are more likely to help you if you don't start demanding things.

Best of luck to the rest of you trying this deal.
Just got my I/O cover in the mail. I'll try to call again this week to see if a can get the fans. It seems like they don't like giving away the poster though.
I was thinking about trying this deal for an X58 board, but it sounds really dicey. I can't decide whether I want to give it a shot or not. It would basically be a $30 experiment.
To tell you the truth, I'm happy with what I got. I would have preferred if it came with all the accessories, but if I had to buy another mobo, I'd probably do this again. Of course I would still hope to get all the accessories this time :D.

In all truth, the only difference now since I didn't get the accessories is that I need to buy the LCD poster which means instead of $150 off it's $130 off. As for the sound card, I was planning to get a nice one eventually anyway, this just gave me the excuse I was looking for. ;)

That's also in this case when it's $150 cheaper. If it wasn't quite such a good deal, I might prefer the retail.

BTW, I think I'm going to be getting the HT Omega Striker for the sound card.