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Solutions to this baffling Tualatin Celeron equation? Please read...

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ol' man said:

Well I gues I can lead ya to water but I can't make ya drink! The tusl2 does not like PCI speeds above 38~40MHz. That is not hard science. I am done this thread is hopeless!

Geez. Settle down, ol'man. Have a bit of "prune juice". :beer: Not everyone will drop everything just because one person says all is lost. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT belittling your contribution to the forums. I really enjoy reading your diatribes. But we're overclockers, and that means we think there's gotta be SOME way to beat the damned machine (hopeless as it may be). :D
The only way to beat it is too up the vcore and get the fsb to 134MHz. Plain and simple!
Well, maybe ol' man has something there.

I wonder myself because of this interesting thing I've discovered.

I don't have 134 MHz as an option for an FSB setting. Weird, isn't it? This BIOS on the TUSL2-C I have, version 1011 beta 007, doesn't list 134 MHz as a selectable speed when I'm trying to manually set the FSB, it goes from 100 up to 133 then SKIPS 134 and goes to 135 MHz and higher.

Like I've said before, it just gets more weird and more confusing every time.

So now I'm wondering if Asus knows something about this board that most people don't (not counting ol' man there, he seems to be the resident *expert* on the TUSL2-C since no one else has piped up about these boards). I'm still lost but continuing on in my quest for 1500 with this board.

And now for something you're really gonna dig...

Ok, for those people in the audience, drum roll please...

<sound of drums a'rolling>

Guess what? I'm running in Win2K with current Detonator XP drivers at 1.5 GHz, which has been my goal all along.

How did I do this? Keep reading...

I started doing simple surfing around for various information about this TUSL2-C board and came across info about *tweaked* CUSL2 BIOS modifications. I spent some more time looking around and found out that there was one specifically for the TUSL2-C (my mobo) and decided to give it a shot.

I am happy to announce that I am currently running stable (at least for the past 30 mins now with Prime95 running up a storm) at 1.5 GHz. I flashed a BIOS made by someone called "The MAD" over at http://www.asusboards.com in the BIOS forum and was stunned that it's working. I'm not sure what this guy is doing, but I hope he keeps doing it. Here is the specific link to the page with the TUSL2-C tweaked 1011 beta 007 BIOS I'm currently running WITH GREAT SUCCESS:


I had to up the vcore to 1.575 to get it running at this speed, as I put it at 1.525 and it locked up whenever I ran Q3 or Prime95 for more than just a few minutes. So far at 1.575 vcore I'm still up and running, going on 50 minutes so far. I know this isn't a SERIOUS test of stability, but hell, just an hour ago I couldn't do 1.5 GHz at all. :D :D :D

Thanks for all the help from you people here, I'll still be aprising all of you of my progress as I continue this overclocking journey of mine.

I can't get the system to even post at 1.6 GHz (12 x 133), I keep gettting that "beeboobeeboobeeboo" sound from the PC speaker. I'm assuming that's some kind of alarm letting me know the settings I've chosen just ain't working, but does anyone know if it's specifically a temperature alarm or something else? The manual is pretty vague in some respects.

Again, any assistance is greatly appreciated.


ps I'm about to wipe this puppy and install WinXP to make sure XP can handle the speed. I'll keep you folks posted as usual.
Wish me luck! :eek: :eek:
Congrats dude....Good to see you pushed on and kept trying to solve the problem instead of simply giving up! And by the looks of things you won!

Just wondering....Are your 1/4 pci dividers working under 133 mhz FSB?
Well, I suppose my first question would be:

How the hell would I know? :)

Right now, at 1.5 GHz the FSB/RAM/PCI settings are 125/125/41, so I know it's working as far as the 1/3 divider is concerned. Not sure how to discover the 1/4 divider since I don't see any options for that sort of thing in the BIOS.

Clue me in on what to look for and I'll let you know.


I just looked at your system specs Fluid...

33° C with the stock cooler? Geezus... what the hell am I doing wrong?

It's running Prime95 right now, has been for over 2 hours and it's sitting at 48° C according to Asus Probe. Christ I need to calibrate either this program or Motherboard Monitor (which I would prefer to use anyway).

br0adband said:

I just looked at your system specs Fluid...

33° C with the stock cooler? Geezus... what the hell am I doing wrong?

Personally, I feel that Fluid's got a buttkicking chip. If he can run that sucker @ 1.5 with only 1.575v, I'm hardly surprised he can get those kind of temps. Although, it wouldn't hurt to know what kind of case cooling he's got in that demon of a tower.

To tell you the truth, I'm still fazed at the temps he gets, especially with what he's cooling it with, and where he resides.

Fluid, I'm on to you ;)

I'd like to know more, too. Mine surely won't do that. I've got a nice hefty Copperfinned cooler mated to a 32cfm 60mm fan and today is absolutely the coolest I've ever seen my chip run. I'm sitting in a 68 degree F room and it's idling at 35C. Motherboard temp is 25C.

During warmer times when the temp in this room approaches 80F or so, it's common for me to watch this chip, clocked at 1404 at default voltage, to consistently idle at or around 100F.

This bothers me, because the Coppermines I've run in the past on this same setup would idle at or around 87-89F. I've got excellent case cooling and airflow, and have even lapped the IHS on my chip, but I can't seem to get much improvement from anything. To be perfectly honest, I could run it with the stock cooler, because there's only 1 degree C difference in temps. Also, if I clock the chip back down to default settings all the way, this only results in a 1 degree C or less drop in temps.

The only bright point about all of this is that the chip doesn't seem to mind the heat. I can stress it all day at 1.4ghz in this room with an ambient temp of 82F+ and it never falters. It maxes out at or around 45-46 C under heavy load(CPU Burn and Prime 95 torture test running)and seems extremely comfortable.

I just wonder what the effects of this higher heat will have on the life of the chip. I know I won't own it long enough to care, but someone else probably will and that could wind up a concern of mine.

If anyone has any secrets, short of removing the IHS, I sure wish they would share them with the rest of us.:)

br0adband said:
Well, maybe ol' man has something there.

I wonder myself because of this interesting thing I've discovered.

I don't have 134 MHz as an option for an FSB setting. Weird, isn't it? This BIOS on the TUSL2-C I have, version 1011 beta 007, doesn't list 134 MHz as a selectable speed when I'm trying to manually set the FSB, it goes from 100 up to 133 then SKIPS 134 and goes to 135 MHz and higher.

Like I've said before, it just gets more weird and more confusing every time.

So now I'm wondering if Asus knows something about this board that most people don't (not counting ol' man there, he seems to be the resident *expert* on the TUSL2-C since no one else has piped up about these boards). I'm still lost but continuing on in my quest for 1500 with this board.


Hey dude when you set it too 133fsb it automatically goes to 134fsb in reality! That is why I have said you need to hit 134fsb. You are getting better at listening anyway! There is no 134fsb setting in the bios so indeed 135fsb is really 136fsb in reality. You have to remember this. The reason it was so importent to me was because I had a chip that would do 133fsb stable but not 134fsb. In that case I was screwed and limited to 125fsb or lower.


You need a very good HS for that chip. I feel like someone needs to do more homework, hint hint!

The trick to running that chip at 1600MHz to have a very good HS(COPPER BASED PREFERABLY), 300+w(350w ideally) PSU and very good contact between the IHS and HS. In the latter case a very simple and fine lapping of the IHS may suffice but done very carefully! Most cannot hit 1600MHz with a 250w PSU!
To be honest temps usually range between 33 and 35 degrees under load depending on the ambient temp....The other day was a 35 degree C day so it was pretty warm in my computer room and temps went to 37 degrees C. But most of the time 33 is the norm with 35 at times....

This chip idles 'alot' hotter than my P3 1000EB (29 - 30 degrees) cumine but the temps barely seem to fluctuate under load, whereas at times the cumine would start approaching 40 degrees C.

I've checked MBM 5.1 with the temps in my bios and they're identical so there is no inaccuracies there....

I'm not too sure why my temps are so good as i've only got one intake and ine exhaust fan in this monster of a case....The only thing I can think of is this mobo, when I changed from an XE to an XET with my cumine my temps dropped 3 degrees C! And yes, thermal paste application and heatsink fitment was right on in both cases....

Also....I reckon once I get my PSU sorted out I should be able to drop my vcore a little....

I guess all I can say is....

....My chip runs cool, my chip runs cool! Nah, Nah!:D
Well, it's still up and running at 1.5 with 1.575 vcore, no issues noted since my last report.

Fluid: Can you do me a favor if you get a chance? Fire up your machine and go into the BIOS. Go into the Hardware Monitoring and just let it sit there for 10-20 minutes and record what temps are showing. Then fire up your PC into Windows for another 10-20 minutes (idling, not doing much of anything) and tell me what you're getting.

I'm still wondering about the temps, personally. Right now in the BIOS I'm showing 46-48° C after 10-20 minutes of just watching the Hardware Monitoring. In WinXP MBM (Motherboard Monitor) will show 32-34° C, so I KNOW somewhere there is a pretty serious discrepancy, but I haven't been able to nail it down.

I'll be lapping the IHS and the HSF later this week, but for now I'm happy. :eek:


I get 30 in the bios and 30 in windows sitting for 10-15 mins....
Room temp 24 deg. C with one intake and one exhaust are 35.5 deg. C at idle and 36.5 deg. C at load. cel 1.2 @ 1.5GHz 1.7v. Bios is the same around 34 deg. C.
Well, I certainly hope the lapping job makes a difference. I just can't believe that this Vantec HSF is that bad, it received *good* reviews everywhere I could find one. Not *great*, but *good*.

All this work is just a stopgap measure anyway till I get a Koolance case, but it's nice to actually work on this stuff these days instead of just reading about it all the time. :)

i have very similar setup.
Running at 1534 Mhz at 1.82 volts.
1600 posts but hangs.
Im getting arctic silver 2 and do some lapping today.
Have dragon orb 3.
Will let u know if i hit 1600.
Have u done the wire trick to get higher voltage.