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Sprocket's New Home

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I can just see some 'kid' coming up to the computer and pressing the turbo button during a heated game of Doom, or whatever you happen to play.
I just didn't want something unforseen to happen. This is a great idea for overclocking, but it might be a good idea to have some kind of internal/hidden switch to keep from getting cleared when you don't want it to be
you could do the old missle launch button style, with the key lock open to the glass case and the wire around it, all kool lookin and then paint the button red and itl look all nice and such
wicked mounting idea's of hdd and mobo although i wont b able to use idea on my case ill keep a note of it, well done mate!!

Nice job bro, I like the closet coat rack thing you got going on there. with the aluminum shafts and the plastic wire "loops". Makes it real nice to just slide it where you need it if you need a little bit more space when you putting it all together. Great idea gonna have to store that one away, I may "borrow it " in the future. :)
that button idea......haven't seen that anywhere else yet, great idea though! i love it. in fact, whenever i get around to actually following in my superiors footsteps and mod my case then i hope i remember that one.
Wow...I must say that I appreciate the interest and support, folks.

I actually have been working on my precious, but progress has been sketchy to say the least.
I have run into that classic modders dilemma...."Boy, if only I had an extra inch here....." ( feel free to exploit that quote with all the "she said" jokes that come to mind), and finally decided to do something about it.

This case originally had a plastic finish bezel on the back panel as well as the front. Naturally, it was completely unsuitable for my plan, but I now have ( yup, you guessed it...) an unused 1" space on the base.
In other words, the depth of the chassis could be extended by just the amount that I've been wishing for.
Long story short, it's back to the sheetmetal fabricators for a new top, bottom and rear panel.
If all works according to plan ( and that would be a definite first!), the new top and rear panel will be bent from a single piece...eliminating the unsightly joint that is now present.
This time, instead of the heavy guage steel that was used originally, all of the new pieces are being made from diamond plate aluminum.
Stage Two of the interior build will involve several cover plates also made of aluminum which should cover 95% of all the wiring/data cables.

It turned out to be necessary to relocate the PSU yet again to facilitate the cable stealthing, and I figured that I would go ahead and implement the dual PSU setup I have been talking about.

Sprocket now sports 880W of power ( well, in theory, at least).
The bottom PSU, an Antec Truepower, is dedicated solely to the motherboard.
The upper unit, an Aspire 500w unit, powers everything else.
I am aware that this is probably excessive, but I have so many PSUs sitting about that I decided to go over the top.
If I ever get a decent video card, at least powering it won't be an issue...

It's hard to tell from the pic, but this is the front panel...The PSUs are below the drive cage.
This puts all the wiring right where it needs to go basically.

Once again, I'm sacrificing speed from the sheetmetal shop in favor of a low price, so delivery of the new chassis parts might take a week or so, but I'll keep beavering away on the little stuff till then.
I have an idea for a different HDD mounting system that I want to try now that I have all sorts of free space to play with.
Might work...might not.

That's all for now....
Hey, that mobo mounting idea is awesome. Im stealing it, but I will find a way to give you credit somewhere in the mod. Ill post when its done, but since school started i have got nothing done in the past week (most of the work was done over the course of 2 all nighters with my friend Shawn, those are now impossible) It will for sure be done over x-mass break but probly before after i get settled down into school.

Thanks for the great idea.
Shopping spree!

Killing time today.
Was showing off Sprocket ( such as she is these days) at work and got two offers for the completed case.
Since three quarters of the case is already being remade in aluminum diamond plate, the addition of a new (matching) front panel would leave me with an entirely new case for my next build, so it looks like this chassis gets finished after all.
Celebrated by going to one of my all-time favorite modding supply stores...a fifty year old Army Navy Surplus shop.
Occasionally a silk purse shows up buried beneath all the sow's ears.
Today was such a day. :eek:

Now that I've decided to finish the case using the original chassis ( mostly), I realized that I'm actually pretty close to having all the interior construction finished.
Time to begin tarting up the exterior.
So, what did I get?

Well, for starters we have a pristine 6"x7" Rotron fan ( model mr2B3) ...a whopping 240 CFM of airflow on 115v. Doesn't appear to have ever been installed...$4.95
Next, a 5" diameter thermometer.
Wanna know what room ( or case, maybe) ambient is?
Look no further...$3.95.
And finally...a mystery item.
Actually, I'm not sure exactly what it is in real life, but I know what it's going to be on this case.
Any ideas?
A cookie ( my choice) to the first correct guess.
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Very impressive, I wish I had your patience in working with "junk" and steel (ask my mutilated Addtronics). I like the originality this brings to modding, which lately seems to have lost some of its uniqueness...

Here's a suggestion for a future project- how about extending the rod mounting structure thing into an entire custom case? Nice way to capitalize *sp* on a good idea, and should make for an interesting aesthetic :D
why do i have to live by NO interesting shops? every1 i ever talk to has som sort of uber shop that they go to ALL the time and.... i dont... so cruel... [/threadjack] can i have the cookie without answering? -needs sugar- oooo maybe its a switch thing... or the turbo thing? maybe? -gives up-
Depending on where you live, there probably are such "uber shops" around...the trick is in digging them up.
One charming aspect of this shop is that half of the stuff has no price tag...you take it up to the counter and the cashier makes up a price on the spot.
If you don't like it, simply say " Oh gee, that's more than I wanted to spend" and half the time they ask you what it's worth.

I was originally seeking a manual telegraph key...found 'em too, but being "antiques" they were quite expensive.
This unit ( with a bit of modification) will serve the same purpose.
w00r :sn:

Remote, eh? Nifty...nice "old school" style with the analog thermometer and the old big mechanical switch :)

Now all I need is to do some research into antennae...I want to build the reciever for the wireless keyboard/mouse suite into the case also.
I'll need a remote ( or at least easily visible) LED so I can tell when the 'F Lock" is on, too.