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Hi, my names John Lester. I work for a company specializing in ultra low tepmerature freezers in los angeles. about 3 months ago i began building computer freezers much like the prometia, but alot colder. I currently have thae system opainter has used to atain the #1 slot in 3d2001. This system in a -100c dual evap gpu, cpu cooler.

I have also began building custom systems for various people that are interested in pushing there hardware even further than a prometia could ever do. If i can help anyone with any questions they have about coolers or general refrigeration i would be more than happy to, so please feel free.

thank you

Hi, I just found this board today and already lost about 4 hours just reading through old posts :)

My name is Aaron, I'm a 3rd year at The University of Essex in the UK, studying Internet Computing. I've been overclocking since I broke the die on my Thunderbird athlon 1200mhz last summer (bad) and ended up replacing mobo chip and ram with my current rig (good :) )

My best overclock so far is my xp1700+ t/bread B @ [email protected] (~2.24Ghz) which I ran stable for about the last 3 or 4 months, but have clocked back a bit so i can have a little less noise.

Spec for my main rig is in my sig, I also have a Pentium 3 500 with 256mb ram, radeon 64DDR (old school i know), seagate 17gb noisy slow 5400rpm HD and quiet pc 300w psu. which at the moment is pretty much acting as an external hd and doing some grid.org calculations, but also allows me to test my network project (when I get going on it).

Looking forward to sharing what i know and learning from you guys
CrashOveride said:

Lost? I bet you learned tons! Or at least excersized your brain. Thats not a loss:D

I should have put a :) at the end of that sentence, it's been a throughly enjoyable 4 hours.

slater3333uk said:
Hi aaron

Essex hey

Colchester?? im from Sudbury!

Welcome to the forums!!!!:D

Can't say that I know where that is to be honest :( originally from the midlands and don't tend to venture off campus much further than tescos very often..
i'm nick, i'm 18. I live in Mississippi.
im really into about everything... mainly tech stuff though.
drive and race a camaro, so cars are a specialty.
Dad's been into computers since before i was born(talk about some old comptuers) so i've grown up playing with them.
at the moment my new rig is under construction and will be completed when i have more resources to donate into the project.
Hey I'm Matt and I'm new to OC forums I was refered here by crashoveride. I know a little about computer hardware and networking. I hope to be helpful here at OC forum and learn some too.

My computer is okay but theres nothing special about I just built it by hand and ordered the parts off newegg.com. I didn't do any radical mods or make my case from scrap. I also didn't do any oc'ing I'm planning that for later;) . I am an active member on X-bit labs which is a great site to get news and fairly unbiased reviews on the latest ahrdware especially CPU's and video cards.
Hey all. My name is Andrew, im 15, and im a sophmore in lakeland (fakeland) highschool. (School sucks :( )

I live in westchester county, whcih is about 40 minutes above NYC. Fun stuff :)

Anyways, i got my first computer when i was about 11, dell dimension xps 500 (if i recall correctly). I had that pc until about 3 years ago, when i replaced the motherboard and processor. This was my first time doing anything with computers, which is a prety major job, but i pulled through, after a few hours of fidgeting, it came out all good. After taht, i just gradually upgraded it. The only remaining part of that system is my hitatch 16x dvd rom drive, which keeps crapping out so it is on the road to death soon :(

So after all that, ive got a pretty good system, and ive got a 9800 pro on the way from newegg :D

thats all for now. peace out
I can't believe I never saw this thread yet :(

Anyway, my real name is Jeremy and I'm a hopeless computer addict. Got into computers rather later than I would have liked, considering I just turned 30 this year, and started out with an Atari ST in about 1993 or so. Soon afterwards, I got my hands on an old 386sx system, and a long cycle of upgrades and learning began (though thanks to lack of income I'm usually behind the curve in my upgrades). Now, I seem to be the guy everyone in the family goes to for computer repairs lol.

In terms of income, I've done a few things; most noteably becoming an electronics technician at age 15. Recently though, I've more or less gotten out of that (less than profitable) racket so I can write novels full time and work as a church secretary.
Hello All,

My name is Matt. I've been lurking around here about a year now, reading and learning. I'm 33, married, I have two sons(3&6), a dog and a cat.

My job title is IT Manager, but, given the size of the company, that's more of a primary role along with a whole lot of other stuff. In reality I have that title because at some point several years ago I could take a PC apart and put it back together better than anyone else in the company and even get DOS and Windows 3.1 to do what they were supposed to.

All the things I learn here go toward creating better systems at work. We're a manufacturing company and you can do some really cool things wth systems that'll actually function reliably in 130 degrees Fahrenheit ambient temperatures. Every now and then I get to build one for myself, too.

Stick around here for awhile and read more than you post and you'll have a great opportunity to expand your overall knowledge of hardware and even software on occasion.
Hey Ya'll,
I'm new, and i'm such an amature because i'm not even sure why i am here, i guess because i wanna learn a lot of stuff about computers. My BF got me into all of this, soo now i'm looking forward to a good start and learning something new.
Hello, im Tom and im 22. Ive been into computers for a long time but havent been paying attention to the hardware for a while. The last time i knew my way around the inside of a comp it was 50 bucks for a 4 meg stick of ram :D . I have been on this site nonstop since i found it a little while ago while looking for info on a new comp im building and have loved every minute of it. This forum has just floored me with how nice everyone is here. Methinks i will stay here for awhile:)
guess this is my intro, of sorts:
name's dan, 30, live in los angeles... was a comp sci major, dropped out to work for a .com... worked for a bunch of them since, now im an independant contract developer... currently doing on-the-fly divX encoding of multiple video streams.

Been overclocking and basically abusing (and breaking) every machine ive had since moving to my first 386, from a commodore 64 (still have it).

Rig 1 (not complete yet):
Abit NF7-s V2, 2500+ barton, ATI AIW 9600pro 128mb, HyperX 3700 2x512, 2x WD1200JD in RAID-0...
below-ambient liquid cooled (it's radiator is in the freezer, of the fridge that holds my beer).
ViewSonic 19" and 17" dual monitors.

Rig 2:
Aopen mobo, PII 450 @ 600, mystery 4mb PCI video card, Dell branded 3x512, Maxtor 30gig, 2x WD 6gig, NEC ND1300-A DVD burner, mystery 24x CD-R/W, Seagate tape b/u.
Air cooled... web/mail server and backup machine

Gateway Solo 5300, P3 650 UNDERCLOCKED @ 600 because it runs too damn hot. Dont ever buy a Gateway.

Other than the obvious interest in computers, im very into streetbikes and hot rods/customs... which i spend a LOT of time with (a lot more than "real work")

Thats my story, and im stickin to it...
Hey I'm Adam... Been building computers for a while now, but I just recently got into overclocking.
So far I've broken quite a large ammount of hardware doing it (the worst a Radeon 9800 Pro 256 meg), but with the help of these forums the rate of breakage is decreasing.

This summer I'll be moving up to Long Beach (I'm in San Diego) to attend DeVry, get my degree in computer engineering and hopefully get an occupation where I build computers or something along that sort.
borg said:
my name is ljubo mercep and I'm from croatia, a country in southern europe by italy, slovenia hungary etc etc... (suprised by the number of americans that don't have an idea where croatia is :) )
I'm new to overclocking, mostly programming in c++/linux/opengl, have 17 years and want a silent computer with water cooling in near future, currently in 3th grade of mathematics gymnasium (something like highschool/college i belive)

I went to Croatia! It was awsome... Don't exactly have anywere else to compare it too though. Havn't really been anywere else, just Bosnia (nice but a little depressing :() and Netherlands (Amsterdam Red Light District Baby!!!) on the same trip:p Crotaia was the best, beautiful beaches (Blue Grado too, heh), countrysides (travled from Zagreb to Split via train and bus) and the nicest people I have ever met.
I even got a Hrvatskan (can I say it like that?) Playboy:grin::drool: Bought it my self (I'm 16, can't really do that here).

Welcome To The Forums:D
To all you new guys:D
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