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Tualeron 1.0A and GA6OXET-C are together....not too good

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It seems like the CPU is a real dud. It can run 112 FSB @ default Vcore and it is ok. I can also reboot without a hang. 133 FSB, I can get it to run stable, but it will always hang on reboot. I need at least 1.6 vcore to get it to 1.33 or above. I cant belive how bad this went. I though 1.5 would be cake. Never would have thought not even 1.33!

Now I have to decide what to do with this mess. It is not a setup I want (at all).
Olfart, I know you're already aware of this but let me say this just to be sure.. Have you tried uninstalling the HSF, clean off the goop, then reinstall the HSF with fresh goop? Are you sure you properly installed the HSF leveled? And also, is the Northbridge equipped with HS & Fan? Because in your case, you're attempting to do 133mhz FSB and beyond. Lap the greeny HS(the one on the northbridge), and apply ASII. Then put a fan on the greeny HS. and CHECK THE CPU TEMPERATURE!! :)
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Milk, thanks for the help. I really dont think thats it. I re-did the ASII on the Taisol HS. It is making good contact. With my Coppermine PIII in there, I can run 150 FSB no problem. Its not the Northbridge. This thing has an IHS, so the HS sits pretty flat and sturdy compared to one without it. This is really frustrating. I think either the 1.0A's are duds, or I got a bad one. I would like to see how this does on a different mobo out of curiosity. If it wasn't for the darn reboot problem, I could live with it.

Still open to suggestions!
oldfart said:
Milk, thanks for the help. I really dont think thats it. I re-did the ASII on the Taisol HS. It is making good contact. With my Coppermine PIII in there, I can run 150 FSB no problem. Its not the Northbridge. This thing has an IHS, so the HS sits pretty flat and sturdy compared to one without it. This is really frustrating. I think either the 1.0A's are duds, or I got a bad one. I would like to see how this does on a different mobo out of curiosity. If it wasn't for the darn reboot problem, I could live with it.

Still open to suggestions!

Hmmm.. that's right. My fault... I forgot all about the IHS on your chip. :beer: I'll help keep this thread bump!
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Power supply is just fine. 300 watt Antec 303X.

You know, this is the funkiest build I have ever done. I beginning to think this Gigabyte board is mighty weird. Check this out. 100, 103 FSB I can reboot, shutdown. If I go to 112, it will run just fine, but when I shutdown, it will reboot every time instead of shutting down. the bus speed is the only thing I changed. Of course if I go higher, it will lock up when I reboot.

What the heck is going on?
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yes, hang on reboot is a sort-of standard 6OXET problem...I read a review saying that and also folks in Other Intel Boards also saying that
My problem is I dont know if the mobo or the CPU or a combo of each is the problem. With the oddness of the reboots and shutdowns, I think something is up with that Gigabyte board.
Yes, it is one with the 1/5 divider. I'm using fd9. I wanted to try an older one but can't download it. This really sux.
oldfart...I may be out in left field here........did you consider
another os.....win/98???...where are you located?.....if you
don't want to post...PM
Well, maybe I got a bad overclocker of a CPU, maybe not, but the reboot and shutdown problems are certainly a bug in the mobo. I'm very disappointed in this product. If it weren't for the hangs when restarting and reboots when shutting down, I might have been able to live with it. This is my first and last Gigabyte motherboard. I'll stick to ASUS and ABIT like I normally do. Problems like this are unacceptable.

Now I have to figure out what to do with this stuff I wasted $200 on. Back to the CUSL2 and PIII.
You may have already tried this but what happens when you run it with just a single DIMM? Any improvement? Also try different DIMM slots with just one stick. Sometimes that has helped me in the past. Sure would like to know how that 1.0A works in an ST6... I do not see how it could be the board though since your PIII cumine runs at 150FSB no prob. Anybody got an ST6 you can loan to OF? If theres any computer shows in your area Sat maybe go get a Cel1.1A or 1.2 and put that 1.0A on Ebay and/or put the GB board on Ebay.
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There is a Comp show tomorrow. I'm done with the Tually thing. I'll run my PIII on my CUSL2 until the next big upgrade, which will likely be a Northwood setup. I'll let someone else find out if the 1.1's are any good. Its very disappointing. I spent a lot of tme researching what to use. That Gigabyte reset bug is what really killed the project. When both the CPU and mobo are duds, its hard to be enthused about trying it again. I also dont have a lot of time this month to be messing around with it.
*QUICKLY yanks his mouse pointer away form the BUY button located next to the GA-60xet *

OK...Gigabyte hasn't changed...my 60xm7e does the same damn thing as what your getting right now. bugs, the dammed weirdest things that can happen all unexplained, I've sworn for the year that I’ve owned this board that I’d never buy another gigabyte again and now I’m definitely not going to consider the 60xet.

My 60xm7e will not overclock at all with my PIII 733 I'm serious...I have trouble with it at default settings. I'm smashing this board as soon as I get a new one. The only reason I tried water cooling and waterproofing it for a peltier was because I could give two cents if the board died in some tragic accident.

My thoughts now....maybe a abit st6 and if I can ever find one, an OEM celeron 1.1 (no luck yet...all out of stock or retail chips)

Computer show here in NY is Sunday the 13th...got to make that for sure. Hoping to find something there.

Thanks for the input oldfart...Sorry your setup isn't working...I was fearful of another gigabyte board from the start. Can you RMA your stuff or are you stuck with it ? If your stuck...one word EBAY is your savior...I'd bed dollars to doughnuts you can get your money back selling those on ebay.

*Gigabyte, i don't know now, shakes his head in confusion...some work some don't AGgghhhh amazing computers work at all.