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Upgrade qustion...

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alright then...thanks

But I'm still torn between buying a 6950 and going xfire and just buying a 7950 and maybe adding another 7950 in xfire down the road. How does a single 7950 compare to a 6950 flashed to a 6970?
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7950 will be at least 25% better than a single 6950. If you're really wanting the new toy, go for it.

Otherwise, your plan for having top-of-the-line performance for the next 3 years could be either...

$150 now (2nd 6950) + $300 (new high-end card in 1 year) + $150 (card to match the previous card a year later) = $600


$300 now (7950) + $150 (2nd 7950 in 1 year) + $300 (new high-end card 1 year after that) = $750

crossfiring now will save you $150 in the end.
well, your awfully persistent about going with a 2nd 6950, so I'm going to trust your decision and do that.

Thanks for all the time and feedback guys
I don't agree with his timeline. Buy a 7950 now and crossfire a year later will last longer than two years total. You also have to consider vtlram needs as well. 2gb even at 1080p is getting long in the tooth... especially in a year from now.

Bottom line us the choice is yours. I wouldn't crossfire though unless you rock a high res or multiple monitors. Not worth it to me.
I think EarthDog and AJ may be misunderstanding my comparison.

The periods of time I chose were arbitrary. With either choice, the total time of ownership will be the same and will consist of two alternating "phases". The first "phase" is single, high-end card. The second "phase" is Crossfire. In both of these phases, you will have top-of-the-line performance.

The value of alternating back and forth between these two is that their costs are always (roughly) $300 for the new card and $150 for the second card (for Crossfire).

Currently, the OP is nearing the end of "Phase 1 (single, high-end card)". If he skips the Crossfire Phase, he'll be losing out on the $150 savings that it brings.

As I said earlier, there are times where this cycle isn't necessarily the best option. If you get a great deal on a new card (like I did on my 7950 ;) ), then it makes sense to skip CF/SLI.

It should also be mentioned that I don't care one way or the other haha. $150 is not a lot of money, so if the OP would rather have a new, single card instead of CF, it really isn't some huge loss.

I was just trying to point out the most "economical" upgrade cycle.



well, your awfully persistent about going with a 2nd 6950, so I'm going to trust your decision and do that.

Thanks for all the time and feedback guys

PLEASE make this decision yourself. If you don't, it doesn't matter how much money you save, you won't be happy ;)
Thanks AJ. I was really worried that he may start pulling his hair out or turn into a frog or something...


I also forgot about Earthdog's vram comment. That is a completely valid point. If you SLI now, you will only have 2gb and games (read: BF3) are slowly starting to take advantage of it.

How much that factors into your decision will depend on how long you plan to put off your next upgrade.

This thread is probably worth a gander.
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My original thoughts were to get a 7950, and then grab another one in 6 months when they drop in price....but NC convinced me that I would get better performance from 2 6950s in xfire, so I put a bid on one off of Ebay for $102. I put in a max bid , and if that price is outbid, I may just buy the 7950 for $285. If anyone knows of a better price from a reputable vendor, please let me know. I prefer to go with the 7950 TBH and adding a 2nd down the road. Right now my money is tight...but thats only temporary...normally dishing out $300 for a new card wouldnt be a problem...but please post a better deal on a 7950 if you know of one which is cheaper than $285 + $6.99 shipping

BTW...the only real game I use it for is World of Warcraft 25 man raids, which can really put stress on my 6950 with all the spell detail
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Sounds like a good plan to me. Is that Never Settle Bundle still ongoing? I got mine for under $200 after rebate and selling the games it came with.
where? And how?

nvm...thats the promo where they give you $170 in games,right? It apparently runs until the end of January
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I was outbid on the 6950...so I think I'm going for the 7950....or does anyone know of a great deal on a 7970?

This is the best price I found on a 7950 And an addition $5 off with promo code: SLURP

So I bought the Sapphire, and my only concern is have they fixed the problems with these cards, like computer crashes and the video card turning off and not coming back on when your computer goes into sleep mode?
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Just wondering how this turned out for you, Heatmiser?

Your final question was never answered, also. I have that same card and have had 0 issues, so they must have fixed those issues.