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Was going to buy Oblivion...Nudity?

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shard said:
I like how in this country, violence and killing people are just fine, where as nudity, the human body, is evil and should be condemned.

Bizzare isn't it? In movies and games we have no problem watching heads being sliced off and blood spurting everywhere, we have no problem watching people being strangled or drowned until they die, we have no problem with guts hanging out, we have no problem watching the light of life leave someones eyes and have no problem watching bodies drop. In fact these movies and games draw tons of money and popularity.

But show a little T&A or the act which is responsible for there being 6.5 billion humans on the planet, which happens everyday and which everyone does, and suddenly OMG IT R TEH END OF TEH WURLD hide your women and children! Growl scratch hiss shun ban! And industries based on T&A and this act are shunned and relegated to dark corners and seen as dirty, nasty, perverted and shameful.

Impressive. ;)

(Not directed at you Chum. Just remarking about our society in general)
I also find is bizarre that someone would have an issue with nudity in a game that is based around killing other beings. No problem with killing other beings, but there is a problem with seeing someone nude, the same way you were born.
Indyxc1 said:
I also find is bizarre that someone would have an issue with nudity in a game that is based around killing other beings. No problem with killing other beings, but there is a problem with seeing someone nude, the same way you were born.

Not just nudity, but polygon nudity. It's much more extreme to the max!:attn::attn::attn:
kinda off topic but I think the craziest of all is that in the US you can join the army and kill at 18 but you can't drink at 18.
shard said:
I like how in this country, violence and killing people are just fine, where as nudity, the human body, is evil and should be condemned.

Very interesting indeed, and it makes you wonder if that's the healthy way round to have it?

Look at Vampire: Bloodlines - there were two scenes in it which were deemed objectionable, depending on where you were. One in which someone is decapitated and one in which someone shows their boob. In the US version the boob is censored and in the European version the decapitation is censored.
rainless said:
That's horribly STUPID news.

A few questions:

1. Why does your wife CARE if there is nudity in the game or not?
2. What the hell is wrong with this country? I'll never... ever... EVER understand it... Janet Jackson show's her nipple and the entire nation goes into red panic while the rest of the non-muslim world looks on in awe as if we were the biggest lot of idiotic prudes in the universe. I'll really never understand how all these people could leave Europe, alledgedly to escape persecution, only to create an even MORE conservative society. It just doesn't make any sense to me. "JESUS! What if THE CHILDREN saw BREASTS?!?!" What if they did? I saw breasts when I was a child. I'm sure you did to. How the hell is this the end of the universe. They don't even think about these things in other parts of the world (not just europe either, Asia, Africa...). What exactly IS IT that parents are so afraid will happen? This entire stigmatism is man-made. If nudity was more common, then there wouldn't be this ridiculous fuss over it.
3. Why do you care, if your wife cares, if the game you buy has nudity? Couldn't you just say "It's a game. Get over it. My art history book has nudity, too."?

Will someone please check hell for me & see if it's frozen over & also check to see if pigs are flying?

I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Rainless...granded his post as stated by others was a little more on the rude side but is non the less correct.

I can see why you wouldn't want to get it if it would upset your wife, my best friends wife is a prude in all sense of the word & is just appauled by everything that is fun & enjoyable in life. (porn, nudity, bad language, etc etc)

But she is pretty cool other than that...but I do have to watch myself sometimes b/c I like to swear, mind you I don't do it a lot but I do like the "S" & "F" words.(wish we could post profanities on the site.lol)

In any case our country is to uptight, it's like someone stuck a flipping mop up our arses or something... People need to chill the hell out...
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I'm using the mod that shows nudity.. I may sound freaky and perverted but when I kill any girl on that game I strip all her cloths and drag her to a corner... if its a guy i'll just remove his shirt and leave it at that :p
There's no nudity in the original game, and most females are fully clothed or heavily armored anyway, i think even for the nude skins you'd have to go around an strip all the nps like the poster above me. ;)

And i gotta say, changing a rating over user generated content is stupid because the game wasn't created with it. It's like attacking your ISP because the internet has porn on it.
Chum said:
...My Wife has a point...she does not dislike nudity...she says "Why don't the games have male nudity too?"

Actually, the mod I installed has male as well as female nudity.
jivetrky said:
really? then does it have full female nudity? The one I had just did upper body.

Yep, male and female, full. I forget the name of the mod, but it was available on one of the big Oblivion mod sites.

When I get home I'll see if I can find the name.
I checked out this review here http://www.ciao.co.uk/The_Elder_Scrolls_IV_Oblivion_PC__Review_5605022 and it says:

"The age rating for the game is now M - Mature (it was originally T - Teen), as there is quite graphic gore and there is a patch in which you can completely remove peoples clothes, leading to potential nudity of female figures (not that i know much about that...i really don't). I think the rating is probably fair, if a little over the top, but it's not way out anyway.

The only draw back I can think of for this game, is the fact that the PC spec requirements are so demanding...... Another drawback is that it is so incredibly compelling. You will undoubtedly get addicted and forget about all forms of real life needs, leaving you feeling starving at about 4 in the morning when you realise it is all you've done all day!"

Hence it's a patch, so the nudity will not be coming in the vanilla game.
I cannot vouch for sure, since I don't have Oblivion but am planning to buy it. However I don't think my husband would be much perturbed if he sees nude female game figures on my monitor, and neither if he sees male nudes as I saw someone pointed it out....

I'd guess you might more be getting into conflict with your wife as regards the second part of the second paragraph though. My husband already teases me saying that I should have married a computer :D - now we'll see what'd happen once I get Oblivion.... eek.

Btw, just my $0.02 here but who are we all to judge whether the OP is justified in feeling uncomfortable in the case there is nudity in the game? It's his personal life not ours, he just asked us whether there was nudity or not, not whether we approve of the intricacies in his marital relationship... He's happy (hopefully), so good for him, no? ;)

[Edit: Ummm, Torin3... be sure to link the patch... :D ]