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Was going to buy Oblivion...Nudity?

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twEEkerAreUs said:
Nudity is an issue? I don't even know where to go with this thread and all the double standards involved.


The same people who complain that game violence is associated with RL violence complain because nudity is not okay and violence is?

It is a double edged sword, perhaps we should re-look at violence in video games and media and tighten the reigns as these fine folks are pointing out, but as a counter point we will allow bare breasts in entertainment/media.

Then we will have breast, but no guns and weapons, unless we have mothers squirting milk from their freshly exposed breasts on aliens to save planet earth from impending destruction.

Now that was a mouth full:D

Anyway, video game violence and violence in media is generally okay because, as most people on these forums have already agreed, people can make the distiction between it and real violence AND while children in experiments may pretend to shoot each other more often after watching GI Joe then they do after Teletubies most people don't run out and kick random people in the balls after watching Idiocracy.

Nudity is a far different beast and changes can be made, but I don't think using violence to make the argument is the way to go, unless you want your violence censored as well;)
shard said:
One word. Market.

Second word. Feminist. Yes, she is.


There is nothing wrong with nudity, especially when it's not real (read: nudity, not sex, it's not as if Oblivion is a shagging quest) merely a texture with specular lighting over some polygons, or does she think you're having a virtual affair? Would she play the game if it had male nudity? Does she think it's ok for you to play the game if it had male nudity in it as well, making you some kind of virtual homosexual/bisexual? So many questions, all answered by the third word in this post. I'm just poking fun so don't get mad, but her reasoning seems typically feminist and therefore illogical.

I agree with Rainless. :)

Lord only knows the horror she'd experience if she caught you playing DOA volleyball, she'd go into cardiac arrest. Again, just kidding, don't hate me too much. :)
People make such a big deal about the nudity that can be unlocked in Oblivion. Its funny because the previous games in the series (not including morrowind) shipped with more barely discernible pixellated nudity that you can shake a mouse at. Of course they were rated "M" from the get go.
Chum said:
I am not mad at him(especially after just reading that he is a System Shock 2 fan!)...just think part of his reponse was unnecessary!

I'm not mad at you either. I'm just from the Mid-West :D

I was legitimately curious as to why you or your wife would care if a computer game had nudity or not (and the male models are topless without a mod). Now maybe I didn't phrase things as if I was from California (or wherever the hell my pal Frodo is from :beer: )... but there was certainly nothing personal behind it.
E4300 said:
[Edit: Ummm, Torin3... be sure to link the patch... :D ]

I really don't feel comfortable doing so here, as there are users below the age of 18. I found it doing a google search for mods, so it should be findable if you are looking for it.

The main reason I was commenting was because of the comment asking if the nudity was ok, where was the male nudity. In this case, right with the female nudity.

The mod does have some artistic skill to it, but it is almost no variation. The bodies are pretty much the same.
Wait wait wait, so people actually go in and model this stuff in (besides breasts on females)?


Nebuchadnazzar said:
It's like attacking your ISP because the internet has porn on it.

Just wait, i'm SURE that law-suit will pop up eventually. this IS america, Land of the judge, home of the prosecutor.

though, people in this thread need to kinda lay off the OP and his wife. if they don't care for nudity in a game, thats THEIR business. You don't see him in here telling us that its a bad, bad thing, and all nudity from games should be banned, and that NO ONE should ever play a game with nudity in it. Its only fair that we don't attack him or his wife with " OMG, nudity is perfectly fine!!! i you must have a problem if you don't like it!!!!one111!!! " ( an example, in no way a quote, nor pointing fingers ).

But getting off that note....

yeah, america has some odd standards. Check out the movie " This movie has not yet been rated ". It talks about the MPAA, how they do their rating system, and who the raters are.

but i think its completely ABSURD to rate a game because its able to be changed via 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE! thats so damn stupid. Almost ANYTHING can be altered via a 3RD party to make it have some reference to sex. and i mean ANYTHING, not just software, but Hardware...kitchen ware, clothing, cars...almost anything.

here soon we will have to sign wavers saying that " You will not alter the design of this item to promote the breast, or genatalia of either male or the female sex, or to promote anything that can be considered sexual.....please sign here ". YAY, i just bought me a spoon! *phew, only took 2 hours of signing release forms....but now i can eat that damn bowl of soup.....which is now ice cold :cry: *
rainless said:
2. What the hell is wrong with this country? I'll really never understand how all these people could leave Europe, allegedly to escape persecution, only to create an even MORE conservative society. It just doesn't make any sense to me. [\QUOTE]

Well they left to escape persecution but it was persecution due to the idea that there should be religious uniformity. So in some instances Protestants oppressed Catholics and vice versa.

Many of the Puritans, also, left because those crazy Europeans were a little too fast and easy with religion and they thought they needed to get back to a stricter interpretation of the Bible, which always means fun. They wanted a more conservative society. Many settlements were established as holy experiments and even commercial ventures, like the colony of Virginia, were led by entrepreneurs that considered themselves "militant Protestants".
who hasn't been embarrassed by their mother while showing family albums including the shots of you at age 1 in the tub in your birthday suit? you can count me in, on multiple occasions. :cry: nudity is no big whoop IMO.

but i have much respect for the OP. he puts his wife's values above all others, and her values are reflected in his own. really he should be applauded. :)
This makes me think of when i first tried to learn how to create models for games.... it started off with a soccer ball, then divulged into "other" things. I dunno why, i guess it's just easier to model private parts. They're mainly just cylinders and spheres... or at least for some of them.

On a completely different note though, there are always going to be people that freak out about things that to most people seem ok, i mean look at the hot coffee mod for Grand Theft Auto... GTA by itself was fine, but with a mod, it unlocked sex mode and added nude models. People freaked out, and jack thompson got it so that they had to change the code in the game to not allow that in order to get the game rating changed back down.
Death259 said:
This makes me think of when i first tried to learn how to create models for games.... it started off with a soccer ball, then divulged into "other" things. I dunno why, i guess it's just easier to model private parts. They're mainly just cylinders and spheres... or at least for some of them.

On a completely different note though, there are always going to be people that freak out about things that to most people seem ok, i mean look at the hot coffee mod for Grand Theft Auto... GTA by itself was fine, but with a mod, it unlocked sex mode and added nude models. People freaked out, and jack thompson got it so that they had to change the code in the game to not allow that in order to get the game rating changed back down.

:welcome: To the "Rainless Appreciation Thread." (RAT, for short.)

And now we've turned completely around the bend. The only other place on earth that Jack Thompson could exist is France. Because France is the only place in the universe where you've got scholarly experts on things like "futbol"... who've never played that game or any other in their entire lives... but got really good grades in debate classes.

Skeen said:
rainless said:
2. What the hell is wrong with this country? I'll really never understand how all these people could leave Europe, allegedly to escape persecution, only to create an even MORE conservative society. It just doesn't make any sense to me. [\QUOTE]

Well they left to escape persecution but it was persecution due to the idea that there should be religious uniformity. So in some instances Protestants oppressed Catholics and vice versa.

Many of the Puritans, also, left because those crazy Europeans were a little too fast and easy with religion and they thought they needed to get back to a stricter interpretation of the Bible, which always means fun. They wanted a more conservative society. Many settlements were established as holy experiments and even commercial ventures, like the colony of Virginia, were led by entrepreneurs that considered themselves "militant Protestants".
Oh yeah...
hUMANbEATbOX said:
but i have much respect for the OP. he puts his wife's values above all others, and her values are reflected in his own. really he should be applauded. :)

Just to clarify, I have no problem with his values here. He doesn't want nudity in his game, well it is his choice and preference. He would have to work (some minimal level) to get it added in, so there is no problem with him getting Oblivion.

And if it was built into the game directly from the manufacturer, I have no problem with him NOT getting it. It is his life and his tastes and his values.

I was just commenting on the one sided view of the nudity that wasn't necessarily reflected in the mods.
Anyway, um...back to the original post.

As has already been answered, the out of the box form of the game has no nudity. Even when clothes and armor are removed, there are underclothes that cannot be removed.

Game is safe.....

From there, there are mods. A mod was created that removed the underclothes. It was said that Bethesday included artwork in the stock game underneath the underclothes, but this is VERY misleading and mostly untrue. The only artwork included is the mere SHAPE of breasts. Nothing on the breasts but normal skin tone and the same between the legs. In other words, no private parts are included in the original game beyond what would be seen with a bathing suit, and if there were they are permanently hidden by underclothes anyway.

Then, there are other mods...mods that add content lacking from the original game. Don't download mods that you don't want. :)
Like it has been saide many a time, the game is safe. But if say the game wasn't im sure someone or maybe the company that made the game would probably come out with a non-nude patch, so that people who don't want to be subjected to that dont have to be.
Political and/or religious affiliations, opinions, observances, histories, etc. need to be kept out of this thread. The OP had a simple question and didn't need the freaking history of the world thrown at him for an answer.

If the thread is reported again, it will be closed.