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What is a mousepot?

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WaTTz said:
Why disrespect Jason if you know better ?

Sorry if I gave the wrong idea, I agree there but my point still stands as eloquently pointed out by hafa.

hafa said:
After reading your comments, I had to reach for a Kleenex, but then realized I had none, so used a Q-Tip instead. I went to the Xerox machine to make a copy of them, but got a paper cut and had to use a Band Aide...This could go on and on...

Once a proprietary name such as "Mousepot" comes in to common usage to refer to an item, it becomes an eponym. Whether or not "Mousepot" has become an eponym is likely to be determined by the percentage of users/buyers who refer to this type a device as such.


g0dM@n said:
So anyways... I have a Storms on my CPUs and GPUs...

I'm thinking about putting a Storm on my hard drive to watercool it.

lol not sure what to say goldman :)
hafa said:
After reading your comments, I had to reach for a Kleenex, but then realized I had none, so used a Q-Tip instead. I went to the Xerox machine to make a copy of them, but got a paper cut and had to use a Band Aide...This could go on and on...

Once a proprietary name such as "Mousepot" comes in to common usage to refer to an item, it becomes an eponym. Whether or not "Mousepot" has become an eponym is likely to be determined by the percentage of users/buyers who refer to this type a device as such.
Excellent illustration.
I for one however, am going to call everything "that thing that was made by some man/woman" to ensure that I am not dissing anyone.:beer: