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Cya later Android!

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I really dislike this generalization. There are often times, many legitimate engineering reasons things change. It's up to the company to ease the transition whenever it does. Most companies just really don't care, because people buy stuff regardless.

Random rumors like the iPhone port where they get exaggerated until people are just flipping out and generalizing "omg im not buying anymore apple stuff blah blah blah blah" when not only has it not yet been done, but they don't know what else is changing. Ivybridge is another perfect example, there are a lot of people that just run around saying "since ivybridge was a flop...." when its the best CPU Intel has put out yet!

Judge a product when it's released, not on extremely questionable rumors. :thup:

And TBH, I don't think apple will flat out drop the dock without a good plan; There are a LOT of cars and various other things available, and they know this. They have a certification program! Not to mention the recent Siri integration. Apple has an excellent track record of listening to its users wants/needs.

never said i wasn't buying any more apple products i just no longer buy there (or third party) accessory's unless there is no choice.
i have two i-homes ($100 wasted each) numerous chargers for cars and home and tones of cases/skins that were all basically useless a few months after i got them because of my decision to upgrade.

im just alot more hesitant to buy anything apple related these days as there prices are high and product longevity is short.
even still ill be getting a new iphone here in a few months but probably wont bother with many ad-ons for it unless i cant live without them.
I don't care about games, just apps that enhance existing phone functionality, widgets to keep me up to date with how my shares are, internet access, email and GPS, thats all I care about. Having said that I hated the standard ROM om my Galaxy S2, end result is I'm running a beta version of Cyanogenmod 9. Love it.

Likewise, I love Android only my car head unit, an Erisin 778. Works brilliantly and gives me features that far more expensive units can't match, not to mention the sound quality is excellent. I ripped out the stock Bose head unit and speakers to install this sucker and it was well worth it. Better sound and far better features.

It's the openess that makes android great, but if you want a highly optimised platform then android aint it. You need someone creating both the hardware and software for that. If games are your priority, then I'd suggest that yes, the iPhone is the handset for you. Not necessarily so for everyone else though.....
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Widgets are the future. Every phone OS will accept them within a year.

You mean Apple will embrace them eventually? I love widgets myself so I'd have to agree they're an extremely important feature. ;)
yea i love widgets on my asus prime, without them there really is no personalization.
Well, you've some variety with replacing the default launcher..... I'm currently a fan of Go Launcher
I've had one force close on my Nexus S in the last year, and that was when I was dinking around with some random APK I downloaded off the intarweb to re-enable the hotspot capability the carrier locked out.

iOS isn't bad, but it's incredibly locked down, no more stable than Android (both are as stable as the third party apps you install), and is playing catch-up in features. Day to day use though, the only difference for me is Android is sold by companies I can comfortably choose to support, whereas iOS devices are not.
Lol, from a support point of view in a large company, I prefer iPhones as a standard as they're all exactly the same. Easy to set up exchange mail/calendar access. From a personal phone point of view I prefer Android.
alls i know is that i LOVE my nexus s... being that it gets updates from google DIRECTLY and is usually the first to do so..

Jelly Bean comes out in 2 ish weeks OTA for my phone, the UI is said to be much smoother than ics which was already pretty smooth.
Lol, I changed to Go Launcher as it was smoother than Trebauchet, which is Cyanogenmod 9's default launcher. More features too. Loving it.
alls i know is that i LOVE my nexus s... being that it gets updates from google DIRECTLY and is usually the first to do so..

You do realize your phone is now exclusive? Apple got a ban on the Nexus S, so it can't be sold in the US anymore..

Jelly Bean comes out in 2 ish weeks OTA for my phone, the UI is said to be much smoother than ics which was already pretty smooth.

Uhh yea! From 24FPS animations to 120FPS animations...its quite a BIT smoother..

Looks like even apple can't have the smoothness factor in iOS anymore :p
Hmph, smoothness always was a software limitation rather than a hardware limitation. I wonder if CM9 will go to Jellybean
alls i know is that i LOVE my nexus s... being that it gets updates from google DIRECTLY and is usually the first to do so..

Jelly Bean comes out in 2 ish weeks OTA for my phone, the UI is said to be much smoother than ics which was already pretty smooth.

That's something I've thought about. I really wish my carrier sold Google branded phones because the updates for them roll out ALL the time, and they are the first devices to get the big OS upgrades. My carrier still hasn't sent out the official ICS update for the Galaxy SII. :rolleyes: Thank god for rooted kernels and the CM9 port.

And I doubt CM9 will go to JB any time soon. The RC1 was released only a week or so ago. They still have a lot of work with 4.0.4 before they more to 4.1.x.
I don't have a problem with Trebuchet launcher. I'm just so used to doing everything in the stock GB rom that switching not only to ICS, but also to CyanogenMod, it was a bit of a learning curve.
Go Launcher is faster than both, Apex Launcher is also supposed to be excellent, and one of the fastest launchers
Never used Go launcher, but from what I understand, Trebuchet is the stock launcher. I'd rather use an integrated program for launching even if it's slower simply because it will help with resource usage. :shrug: Maybe I'll try Apex or Go. :)
You may be pleasantly surprised if you try either of them. Besides, you can always uninstall and go back to default right?
My wife plays farmville (well probably castleville I think even she got sick of FV) on one of my old gaming set-ups and has a more advanced phone than I do, I still don't get the phone thing I guess, I have a very basic one and avoid even getting it near most the time hehe.
personally im getting sick of apple in general there so desperate these days to stay on top of sales that they sue everyone who makes a product even close to theirs like there current one against Samsung i don't even understand how they can bring someone to court for having a tablet that has a square screen for the front and slightly rounded corners lol i mean do they expect other peoples tablets to have round screens or something because they sell one with a square screen?

its almost as bad as when they tried to sue amazon for naming there online store the "app store" lol. all the company's are getting pretty bad about these lawsuit's instead off all this dirty court crap there pulling why dont they just try to be creative and come up with new ideas to sell there products instead of trying to get all the competitors products blocked from sale?