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Liking These Apples?

A bit surprisingly, there was a fairly enthusiastic response to Apple’s offer. A bit more than half of those who responded said that they were willing to bite. While I wouldn’t take the percentage too seriously, there was far more

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What Wattage?

I got a few comments about yesterday’s article, most particular this quote from a linked article: “For example, a hypothetical desktop processor using 70 watts will run an AMD bulk silicon processor with about 40 million transistors. Our 64-bit desktop

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nForce2+ and a Tidbit

XBit Labs has a review of a mobo using the nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset. They found: The chipset could overclock about 6% more than an nForce2 board and Going from a 166MHz to a 200MHz FSB all by itself gets

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What About These Apples?

In File Wars, people talk about the two sides “compromising.” Trouble is, the only compromising I’m seeing is on the RIAA’s side. Rather surprisingly, they’ve made at least some good faith efforts to provide legal online music. They haven’t been

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Some folks sent in some interesting questions and comments, and the answers may prove enlightening. I have a serious problem with the way things are going for p2p networking and file sharing. Stop right there. Who the hell cares what

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The War Approaches Your Door

News Item One: RIAA Gets Into “Sharing,” Too College students “share” files; now they’re going to “share” between $12,000-$17,000 each with the RIAA. News Item Two: RIAA To Chat With You Shortly? RIAA plans to send a million IMs a