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Fighting Human Nature

There’s an editorial over at Planet Savage, which says that benchmarks are grossly overrated and simply encourage benchmark cheating. There’s nothing in the piece I disagree with, except the notion that the problem can be easily fixed. The core problem

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Quick News, Quick Comments

848P Mobos Introduced: This is basically a castrated single memory channel Springdale. If you care about performance, you buy the real dual-channel deal. Perfectly fine for the Joe Sixpack in your life who wants to save a few bucks, but

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Blacked Out

“And as I massacred the al-Queda terrorists with the semi in my left hand, and flame-broiled the rioters and looters with the napalm dispenser in my right, I thought to myself, “Who needs light when you have heat?” “Afterwards, I

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P2P Review For The Week of August 10

EuroDMCA Ever heard of the European Union Intellectual Property Enforcement Directive? If you live in the EU, you will. This is a proposed draft of legislation to be submitted to the European Parliament. If passed there, then the various nations

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A New Nasty

The Inquirer reports on a new virus you should take very seriously. The reason why is that you don’t have to do anything dumb to get infected, like get happy fingers when you get email attachments. Rather, it comes looking

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MS Loses Patent Suit

A jury found Microsoft guilty of infringing the patents of a small company. They awarded the infringed company a half-billion dollars in damages. MS said it would appeal, and courts of appeal very often reduce the amounts awarded by juries.