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Be Bold

AMDZone has what it even calls an “almost mythical” AMD TV commercial. You can download it here. I am underwhelmed. I mean, it’s OK enough, but it’s hardly memorable. True, Intel ads usually aren’t either (and when they try to

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Squaring The Circle

The other day, SG Overclockers wrote a piece questioning the general integrity of the hardware review system. We certainly don’t disagree with anything said in the piece, but we think some more points need to be made. It’s Time and

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iRAM Update

First, the real news, which is no news. We’ve haven’t heard anything from Gigabyte yet on getting an iRAM to test. Second, someone recent brought to my attention a review of the iRAM that was done before Computex. You likely

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AMD Conference Call 1487

AMD did OK last quarter. They went from a slight loss to a slight profit. Again, like last quarter, AMD’s flash memory served as an anchor on earnings. It lost $90 million this quarter, which was better than the $110

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One Simple Question

Today, we ask your opinion, quite open-ended, with a single question: “Has video card pricing and product differentiation (i.e. reduced features like fewer pipelines for mid-range products) affected your computer purchases, and if so, how?” Please send your responses only

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AMD Listens To Me Again :)

Digitimes reports that AMD will come out with a cheaper dual-core processor in about a month (this link will work for free for only a few days). They announced a price of $345 for what looks to be a 2GHz,

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Spitting on the Cross

The word “innovate” is becoming one of the most abused words in the English language. It started with Microsoft during its lawsuit. No, they weren’t doing bad things to monopolize the market; they were innovating. With such a dubious parentage,