BitFenix Announces Outlaw Case

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Logo (Courtesy BitFenix)

BitFenix is set to release a new mid-tower ATX case in September 2011 called “Outlaw”. Initial MSRP pricing is aimed at 39€ (incl. 19% VAT), and $49 in the states.

Where does this name come from? BitFenix Product Manager David Jarlestedt hints at the name in their official press release: “We set out to design a value gaming chassis like no other on the market, and the result of that is Outlaw, offering features normally found on chassis twice the price, Outlaw is a gaming case that really does break all the rules.” That last line suggests the thinking behind the name of this new case.

The most unique feature of this new case is the reverse directional mounting of the motherboard, which puts all of the expansion slots at the top of the case, instead of at the bottom. BitFenix states that this feature enhances the cooling of GPU cards, and allows for the longer cards that wouldn’t usually fit in a case this size. We can all relate to that problem! Here are a few pictures of the ‘Outlaw’ case:


Image Courtesy:
BitFenix Outlaw

Image Courtesy:
Inside the Case



Now comes the part that looks ‘weird’ at first, for those who are familiar with the generic layout of the back of a standard ATX case. We’ll also include a view of the front for reference.

Image Courtesy:
Unique Back of Case Design

Image Courtesy:
Front of Case



No, the image isn’t upside down…that’s just the creative design by the folks at and their engineering team. For more details, check out the official press release, which can be found here.

Note: All images courtesy BitFenix.

-John Tyra (Jmtyra)

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Avatar of Devil_Dog


645 messages 0 likes

Not a bad looking case.

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Avatar of ShortAlieN


114 messages 0 likes

FINALLY! You know how hard it is to find a decent case with the motherboard orientation like that?! Impossible most of the time.

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Avatar of Crazy Jayhawk
Crazy Jayhawk


1,804 messages 0 likes

I'm also a fan of the inverted orientation. It's been doable on a few cases for a while now, but I'm glad to see it when it shows up. I've had a CM Stacker case for about 6 years now that had that option available, though undocumented. It was meant to be convertable to BTX.

What happened to BTX, anyway?

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810 messages 0 likes

What happened to BTX, anyway?

It died with the netburst architecture.

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Avatar of tool_462


560 messages 0 likes

Other than an inverted mobo tray, I give it a big resounding "meh."

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Avatar of ChanceCoats123

d20 in a jacket

9,572 messages 0 likes

While the case is very plain-jane like Tool_ said, it's surprisingly nice (to me) to see an ITX case that's simple, and could get the job done. I personally hate flashy cases, so an all black, smooth, simple case works wonders for me.

I also like the 120mm fan mounting places. :thup:

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Avatar of BugFreak
2,460 messages 715 likes

Nice and clean looking and I like the matching paint inside and out, not to mention the $49.00 price tag. It sure looks weird with the open side of the case on the reverse side though and I wish the front wasn't so closed. That looks a little restrictive on the intake fans.

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Avatar of jameseboy


923 messages 0 likes

Ive never been a fan of BitFenix cases, always thought they overstated the hardware inside them, however this is nice. Its sleek and aesthetically pleasing.
As for the inverted motherboard tray, I had never thought about it untill now, but seen as GPU's tend to produce more heat than cpu's, and heat rises, the GPU heat will be going straight out of the top, instead of going into the CPU. Dont know if it will really make that much of a difference. :shrug:

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