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1 day of rendering...FINAL PIC!!

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Spec, Try this, It might work. Take some radial lights and put them low to the water, I gives a blue tint to the water similar to shallow water. But be careful, too many in one place creates bright white light on the water. Place in choice spots, soften the main spotlight, lengthen the length of it in a direction and hopefully if you fool aroud with that you can create a reef/sandbar effect thats common near Islands.

Hope that helps!


Edit: Also, make the edge of the light uneven or you'll get an unrealistic reef. You could also make it shallower in some places and deeper in others. I hope you fix your problem!
Spec_Ops2087 said:
To apply textures you would click on the "M" button when you click on the object....then that brings you too a screen...you will notice in the top left there is a mini render of the object...next to it is an arrow...click on that and it will bring you to the pre made textures...to creat the sky do the same thing OR you can click at the top of the screen on Sky & Somthing but I forget what it is....
No no no.... I know about that, but even if I do that, the fire effect dosen't show up. (BTW, you can click the triangle next to EDIT like SKY & FOG for the same textures) The picture will render the object fine if the "Material Mode Toggle" in the place you sent me is set to surface, but if it's set to volume, nothing appears (it does in the preview window of that screen though :confused: ).

What could I be doing wrong?
The renderings are lookin awesome guys!
Here's one I've been working on for a while....I just can't get the look right. It needs something

While I'm a fan of simplicity, I think this particular picture needs to look extreamly complicated with gears and levers and chains, etc all over the place.

what do you guys think?

Detho9000 said:
The renderings are lookin awesome guys!
Here's one I've been working on for a while....I just can't get the look right. It needs something

While I'm a fan of simplicity, I think this particular picture needs to look extreamly complicated with gears and levers and chains, etc all over the place.

what do you guys think?


I think something really BRIGHT up in the right hand corner........just to contrast everything! :D

My artistic skills are very lacking.......you should have seen my avatar awhile ago.... ;) :D
LOL Gandalf...i remember your avatar! It was uhhh...eye catching :)

Anywho, I'm going to add some more depth to the picture, more gears, etc. I'd like to make it a little more mysterious. Surprisingly, I haven't been able to find many pictures of the inner workings of clocks so I'm kind of winging the mechanics of the clock. And yes, I like my pictures to be realistic as possible so I will spend hours making the clock "work".

I think the main thing is that it needs to be more mysterious.

My only thought would be to make the face of the clock diffrent. The pure white just dosen't suit mysterious if you ask me. You should make a frosted glass effect if you can, or even making the face more grey. I don't know exactly what either, but I think it's the face.

Well, I just finished another render. I've been so mad at the moon not showing, I spent an hour creating a scene how I wanted it so that you could see the moon and stars. Amazinly, at Fine-Art Quality, it only took 30mins to render at 1024x768...

Argh.... Stupid windows....

Here's the pic. Of course, it's too bright for my tastes (I'll decrease the brightness in IrfanView later), but that's what happened when Rays Per Pixel went above 1. Guess that means more light for each pixel...

How'd you get te stars and moon? I've been trying to do that for awhile. And about the clock, the corner needs something, as well as the face of the clock....You could do a shadow of a man on the face?

Thanx for the suggestions everyone! Frosting the face of the clock is an awesome idea....I didn't think of that. And I was thinking about putting a shadow of something on the front of the clock. I thought it would be cool to use roman numerals for the numbers.

And BTW, I'd be happy to post any of my BR5 files if any of you want them.

I agree with that roman number thing. The you would really see that type of clock is in London or someplace like that, which would use roman numbers. Also, a nice ivory color would look good on the glass, since i'm assuming this clock is kind of old. :)
JigPu said:
Argh.... Stupid windows....

Here's the pic. Of course, it's too bright for my tastes (I'll decrease the brightness in IrfanView later), but that's what happened when Rays Per Pixel went above 1. Guess that means more light for each pixel...




Can you make me one of just the sky?

Or maybe just the night sky with a lone ship sailing by.......no rocks or land.......

I would love to set this as my background!! :D

Mabye set it up so that at say, after 8:00 my background automatically changes to this pic!! :D

Beautiful man!
Gandalf said:


Can you make me one of just the sky?

Or maybe just the night sky with a lone ship sailing by.......no rocks or land.......

I would love to set this as my background!! :D

Mabye set it up so that at say, after 8:00 my background automatically changes to this pic!! :D

Beautiful man!
Sure thing! I'll try to do the sky (no way in the universe I could possibly make a ship...) for you by the end of today. But I've got lots of homework, so it might be a little later. Depends on how I feel about doing my work :D

As for the question about trying to make the moon and stars appear, all I have to say is that it's REALLY hard! First, you have to set the sun so that it is just below the bottom of the sun/moon indicator. You need your elevation to be no less than -16 (so -10 is OK, but -20 is NOT). Make sure that the sun is at the bottom, otherwise you probably won't find the moon. You should have the moon showing. Now that it's night, it's a pretty simple matter of turning on the stars and other things. Just make sure that you turn all clouds off first. After that, you can slowly increase how many and how thick your clouds are. If you have too many you will never see them.

That's about I can say.... It's pretty hard to make the moon appear, but once that happens, everything else is pretty easy.

For the majority of us, we use Bryce 5...it cost about $250 or so but it is well worth it, IMHO.

Very nice on the clock work...I'll be attempting that but right now I'm kinda hooked on scenary..lol..don't ask me why but idk...makes me fell...somthing undescriable..lol...anyway...when I get over making scenary I'll start trying to make stuff like you have made :D

Also...everyone here is my FINAL FINAL FINAL picture of that mountain thing that I showed you before...I got the light in the right spot and I'm satisified with it and I hope you like it too!!

I think my next project will be to do a portrait of my backyard...my parents are garden freaks so I will have my work cut out for me but I think I can do it...I'm going to start when school ends (1 week I think :rolleyes:) Wish me luck!!! I'm going to need it....

Yeah, spotlights (any light for that matter :D ) are pure evil. What I'd suggest doing first is to build a simple island and render it. Very simple to make, and can get some cool landforms if you play around with the EDIT menu enough and find a good camera spot.

Also, try playing around with where the sun is. You can get that perfect moment if you try hard or use the sky editor. Let's see what you've got!!

I'm using the trial verison too (20 days left for me!), and I don't really notice much of a diffrence. The site says that it will render slower than the full verison, but since I don't have a machine with both trial and full to compare, I can't say how much slower. Even if it's slow at rendering by it's very nature.

Finally Gandalf, I'm rendering that pic right now. I turned up the quality settings to insane levels for my computer(premium anti-aliasing with 9 rays per pixel and 3 TIR depth!) It's slow going now that I'm surfing, but once I get off for a while, it should pick up. If I leave it alone, it should only be 30 mins....