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activition bug

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Jun 18, 2005
to long on into windows it tells me i have to activate, I say let me activate, then it tells me i already activated. It then procceds to throught me back to the login screen where it tells me again to activate windows. The procces repeats. I've got this thing three times and each time i've had to reinstall. Any ideas?
I presume that each time you install it accepts the key you give it. Have you tried 'changing' the key through the activation process to the one you have already given it?
Also try deleting (or renaming) two files called wpa.dbl and wpa.bak and rebooting. These two files store the curent activation of a windows XP and if removed are supposed to reset your activation status. I have used this succesfully with Windows 2003 servers when needing to change keys.
Have you called the phone number it gives you to activate. I have had to call it a few times, and they were always very helpful. It only takes about 2 minutes and they five you a 40 or 50 digit verification code to enter in. Once you get activated, backup your wpa files. Then you can restore your activation in the future as long as you dont have any major hard ware changes.
i have 15 days left to activate, it tells me i have to acivate now. I click ok lets acitvate windows. Windows brings me to the activation window and tells me that i have already activated. I cannot enter a new code because it says it already has one(which it does not). For the record this problem has happened to a fried with a oem install of xp and a cvouple of other installs of xp on my comp all properly activated
ive ran into this on a comp at work, but the customer had used an activation hack for xp. i couldnt figure it out so i just low level formatted and told them to buy an xp license. they switched back to the ME that they owned for the comp... lol.

it was pretty crappy tho, saying to activate and as soon as you do it says you already have...
sounds like an activation work around was tried on this computer. if that is so, just work around that by running that activation workaround again and restoring your backup, that is if you used the workaround i believe you did.
I used no crack. I don't use a crack becuse this happened to me once with a crack. thier is 15 days left tell activation on this perfectly legal install
hibner said:
Have you called the phone number it gives you to activate. I have had to call it a few times, and they were always very helpful. It only takes about 2 minutes and they five you a 40 or 50 digit verification code to enter in. Once you get activated, backup your wpa files. Then you can restore your activation in the future as long as you dont have any major hard ware changes.

That sounds good. Which files are it and where are they to be found?
The file is c:/windows/system32/wpa.dbl

ONCE ACTIVATED, you can back this file up. Then after a reinstall, you can restore wpa.dbl to the same location. You will be activated once the file is restored. You can only do this if you have not made any major hardware changes, i.e. mobo, cpu, since the last activation.
hibner said:
The file is c:/windows/system32/wpa.dbl

ONCE ACTIVATED, you can back this file up. Then after a reinstall, you can restore wpa.dbl to the same location. You will be activated once the file is restored. You can only do this if you have not made any major hardware changes, i.e. mobo, cpu, since the last activation.

Thanks, gonna be great when i need to rebuild windows after a messed up raid or overclock..hehe.
goog` said:
I used no crack. I don't use a crack becuse this happened to me once with a crack. thier is 15 days left tell activation on this perfectly legal install

Then call. Wouldn't you expect their support to have better info for these issues than random people on a forum? I'm sure they've seen the exact symptom numerous times.
i'd call but i can't get the number, I'll try deleting the activcation files, although i tried that before with a negitive result(same problem)
ok, i tried deleting the wpa file through safe mode. Nope needs activation. I then went into safe mode with command prompt. This works however it won't let me delete the file so i open the file in note pad to get me into explorer the explore my way into /system32 where i then deleted the file. I rebooted and windows tells me that thier is a problem with my activation and that i need to reactivate. I click ok. It then tells me that windows is already activated. So in closing deleting the wpa file does not work.
If anyone knows a way of getting into explorer to run a program from a cd-rom i could use my "patch"
And does anyone know how long it takes, on avrage for dell to deliver a notebook?
Did you misread the part where I suggested you call?

I am sure M$ has a fix for this legitimate installation problem. Maybe they will give you an "official" patch.
goog` said:
ok, i tried deleting the wpa file through safe mode. Nope needs activation. I then went into safe mode with command prompt. This works however it won't let me delete the file so i open the file in note pad to get me into explorer the explore my way into /system32 where i then deleted the file. I rebooted and windows tells me that thier is a problem with my activation and that i need to reactivate. I click ok. It then tells me that windows is already activated. So in closing deleting the wpa file does not work.
If anyone knows a way of getting into explorer to run a program from a cd-rom i could use my "patch"
And does anyone know how long it takes, on avrage for dell to deliver a notebook?

getting into explorer from safe mode w/ command prompt is cake... just type "explore" i believe and the gui interface will come up... it will then be like normal safe mode. if that doesn't work for some reason, type "iexplore" and then when IE pops up, just type in the drive letter...
It's explorer.exe matt.

In order to get IE to launch, he'd need to change directory to the Internet Explorer folder, then issue iexplore.exe. iexplore.exe is not resident in the windir folder so it would not launch from command without being in the appropriate directory.

I believe that to be able to just name the executable and have it run, it must be resident in a folder which is named in the path under environment variables. With the way IE is integrated, I was surprised myself to see it wouldn't launch in the way you suggested, from the command prompt. Yet it launches fine from the run prompt... I would like to know what factor makes this difference. (reg entry, environment variable, or something else?)
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I.M.O.G. said:
Did you misread the part where I suggested you call?

I am sure M$ has a fix for this legitimate installation problem. Maybe they will give you an "official" patch.
i second that with the addition of a phone number that should help you get where you need to get 1-800-642-7676