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AMD 900mhz athlon/t-bird A7V stops at 963mhz

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New Member
May 4, 2001
I just cant get my cpu higer than 963mhz, then the SDRAM stops counting during boot. If I try to go higer than 108mhz on my SDRAM the system stops at 963mhz or die completely. What can I do? Would like to go to 1000mhz and above
You can always do the pencil trick which allows you to change the multiplier of your processor. This would allow you to overclock and not change the fsb. However there are many advantages to raising the fsb and you may want to check into different ram. Raising the fsb will give you system performance across the board. What brand is your ram? What is it rated at? Might want to look into getting some Crucial pc133 cas2 ram. If you don't know what brand of ram you have or its ratting then download sisoft sandra. It is a great tool for any oc'er.
Thanks, I will try out the pencil trick. I don`t know my SDRAM name, but it is 133mhz and I`v got 2x256 + 128 mb, so it should be enough I guess.I thought that my cpu was unlocked, since I could already get 63 mhz out of it. Still a bit confused....
The problem is your A7V....its the KT133 right? NOT the KT133a. The KT133 chipset doesn't FSB oc very well....you probably can't get much over 108...I can't go much past 107mhz FSB. Pencil your L1's, and you should be able to adjust the multiplier.

I've gotten mine to 1.1ghz, (I too have a 900 Tbird), but it locked in windows, so I put it to 1066 and its stable, although a bit warm, 50C full load with a WBK38w/80mm Sunon fan and ASII.

Breadfan(??) is correct about the FSB on the KT133 chipset. It seems the bottleneck is indeed the chipset because most of the forum posts from those who have the KT133A are cranking up the FSB to get the higher rates.
As far as being concerned about "everything running faster" when the FSB is high, I wonder why this option was implemented in the "Jumperless" mode from the BIOS setup and had such high settings, even though you couldn't get to them. Seems the board designers weren't that concerned!
Close the L1s and OC it small steps at a time. The A7V is a tough board, I should know, I have had it apart and reconfigured so many times and ways I can't remember the count.
