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Battlefield 2: Technicial Issues and Support

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Hey guys could you help me out.. I made a thread in Video/Sound ATI section on 5.8 catalysts lagging in bf2. Could you please help me by posting in my thread on how some people got these to work good. I have heard some people saying they are great and others that say they cant barely move. I am one of the latter. Thanks guys!!

eightballrj said:
Hey guys could you help me out.. I made a thread in Video/Sound ATI section on 5.8 catalysts lagging in bf2. Could you please help me by posting in my thread on how some people got these to work good. I have heard some people saying they are great and others that say they cant barely move. I am one of the latter. Thanks guys!!


I just UN-installed the 5.8's because I was getting a wierd "turning" lag (anytime I turned my position fairly fast , it lagged terribly) .
Installed the 5.7's right now and going to try those (my bros rig is fine with the 5.7's) .
I also tried the Omega 5.7's and they ran great (no lag at all) , but I got bad video corruption after playing BF2 for awhile .
Last but not least ... back to the 5.6's if all the above fails .

Report later about using the 5.7's ;)
Sorry if this has been answered already but I am having a huge issue running Teamspeak and BF2. Everytime I have my teamspeak up I get frequent crashing when playing BF2. Anyone else have this problem and possibly a solution?
CarRamrod said:
Sorry if this has been answered already but I am having a huge issue running Teamspeak and BF2. Everytime I have my teamspeak up I get frequent crashing when playing BF2. Anyone else have this problem and possibly a solution?

I run TS all the time with BF2 and not suffering any problems, and AFAIK, none of the people i know (about 8 or so) have trouble with it.
I am running both the server version of TS and the client along with BF2 on the same machine. And it seems that EVERYTIME that I do I get a physical memory dump screen and I need to reboot the comp. Could it be because I am running the TS server and BF2 from the same machine? I have a P4 3.2 64 bit processor and 2 gigs of DDR2 RAM. I dont think its my machine but I am in the dark on this. Any ideas?
CarRamrod said:
Could it be because I am running the TS server and BF2 from the same machine? I have a P4 3.2 64 bit processor and 2 gigs of DDR2 RAM. I dont think its my machine but I am in the dark on this. Any ideas?

That might be it, i've had similar problems running game servers and clients on the same machine. Try turning it off and use a different server temporarily, then see if the problem persists.
Ok this has happened to me a few times now... the problem is my own teammates show up as enemys when I look at them... and my missles will lock onto them.
the adam said:
Ok this has happened to me a few times now... the problem is my own teammates show up as enemys when I look at them... and my missles will lock onto them.

Its a bug that pops up every now and again . Nothing you can do for now .
I think this is another glitch... but does anyone know why sometimes my wrench doesn't work when im an engineer?
the adam said:
I think this is another glitch... but does anyone know why sometimes my wrench doesn't work when im an engineer?

normally when your holding the wrench there should be a small circle in the place of your crosshairs, when BF2 detects that theres something in front of you to repair it becomes 2 concentric circles, so basically just move around untill you see 2 circles and wrench away
I have been trying for three hours to get this game working.

I tried installing the game. When I joined a server, I would be told that I had an invalid CD key.

  • I tried reinstalling the patch as suggested here.
  • I tried changing the CD key as suggested here

Neither of these worked, so I tried reinstalling the game as suggested here.

I reinstalled and tried changing the CD key without first reinstalling the patch. This did not work.

I reinstalled again. Battlefield 2 failed to start because TextureAtlasBuilder.dll was not found. According to the error message, installing the application may have fixed this problem.

I reinstalled again. Battlefield 2 still failed to start because TextureAtlasBuilder.dll was not found. According to the error message, installing the application may have fixed this problem.

I downloaded the patch from multiplle different places and tried reinstalling with and without the patch and with patches from different mirrors. I still had the same problem.
I have this video lag or something, out of no where I will get massive frame drops almost down to 10 fps, and I've never had this problem untill 1.21. I tried reinstalling the drivers then I tried to official (was using xtreme drivers) and no go. I'm going to try installing the full update, because I used the incremental. I'm also going to see if it's an individual setting that's causing it, but I can't figure it being any of my hardware and I've never gotten problems like this untill 2 days ago. I'm going to play with it, but if anyone can point me in the right direction I would be appreciative.
Definately try the drivers first. I see you have 2GB of memory so I dont the swapfile is the problem but you might want to tweak it a bit. Also, make sure that no program is executing in the background to cause these fps drops. Lastly you might want to install a fresh copy of DX9. Let us know what happens...gluck.
I've noticed that if you grab a different kit, you may still see the status of players/vehicles from the old kit. For example, you start off as a medic and you see the health status of everyone. You grab a sniper kit and you still see health status.

I've had times where my gun will randomly fire when I'm running. (To fix, right click) When laying C4 one at a time, it will start laying C4 by itself and when it gets to the detonater it blows up.

I've had my team show up as enemies.

Has anyone else noticed that claymores sometimes kill your teammates and sometimes don't....just depending on the server. Is that something that was changed with the 1.2 patch?
As far as my problem:
Well, what I did was uninstall old video card drivers and reinstalled the latest official ones. Then I installed the full 1.0-1.21 patch and everything has been just peachy. I tried on several different servers on many maps for quite a few hours. Just hope my luck holds up.

And for Baylord's

About that kit things, it's happened to me a few times, besides it being a bit weird there is nothing more it it.

I've had my team show up as enemies.

You and the rest of the world, it's the red name bug and it sucks. Just try and pay closer attention to uniforms and if you see your squad behind you with one red name with them, just use common sense. It sucks, but it's just something to get used to.

I've never had claymores detonating on teammates, the only time I got teamkills with claymores is when a teammate is next to an enemy and gets taken out with him. But that's the closet I can come to figuring it out.
Brinnswift said:
I've never had claymores detonating on teammates, the only time I got teamkills with claymores is when a teammate is next to an enemy and gets taken out with him. But that's the closet I can come to figuring it out.

The other day I had something a bit annoying happen. I assume claymores have a time limit (they don't stay forever) and when that time limit is reached they self-destruct. Unfortunately a team mate had laid 2 claymores down, as I passed the first one it self-destructed and killed me (it didn't list the kill, but I was dead). Great, so I wait 15 seconds, respawn, and as I pass the second claymore the same thing happened. It wasn't an enemies, I guess just bad timing on my part.

I don't think the teammate got a tk, and I didn't get a suicide, but still, wtf! :p
V-Sync won't work with BF2 for me anymore. If I try to enable it the game BSoDs at the splash screen! It used to work... It still works in all the other games so I'm quite confused as to what the culprit might be. I've tried different drivers (81.98 feb 7, 84.12...) and reinstalling the game but the problem persists.
got me and my gf on a router .. got ports opened for me i can play for hours without probs. and she get kiked every 3 rounds.. if i open the ports for her... none of us can play.. and if i set up the ports for the router ip we both crash after 3 rounds... odd... sitecom router
ati still aint fixed the shadows.. horible squars... allthough i havevt checked since i updated drivers last... got shadows turned off on both pc's
On a sidenote...i'll be online in an hour or two (check sticky for server adress), and we also have a practice tomorrow on our ranked server!