In reference to my earlier post, guess i was lucky i didnt damage the chip, i had dropped the whole disassembled hsf and when putting it back together i reversed the clip back to normal. Needless to say, the indent was on the wrong side. Now at 41c.
As for the chip, its a axia 1200 at 9x133 for now, overclocking soon after playing a bit more on a k7a-raid. Not worried about overheating the case though, side was never on. Ive got some imac colored 6in student fan for $15 canadian ill be reclipping to the case before putting it in the closet In fact ill put it on now and see if theres a difference with the case horizon on the desk. Nope, playing with various angles on the fan including not present is making about a 1c difference.
For the original poster's info, guess having it clipped in right adds another 5c of cooling.