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I have decided to go Dothan

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So whens your Dothan going to be up and running, very anxious to see the gigahertz. :)
Drec said:
So whens your Dothan going to be up and running, very anxious to see the gigahertz. :)

Working on that right now. Mailing webshops, humiliating people etc. Will keep you updated.
Evilsizer said:
wow when did sjaak get white stars? :eek: :beer: im speechless/jelous. :p

Just this morning with my 4000th post lol....if i had a dime for every....:D

Ok this is getting RIDICULOUS. In the past 30 minutes i have called 6 webshops. None of them had the dothan in stock while their website claimed so. Common excuse? 'uhh yeah the page must be outdated then' ^&%@(&*(@%^(@#$*%#$

Ewiz said:
Can eWiz.com ship internationally?
eWiz.com currently DOES ship internationally via FedEx International Economy or FedEx International Priority.

edit- Doh! they only have the 1.8ghz one, :bang head
Shipping anything larger then a peanut from the US to here costs a fortune. Plus it would take at least a week and requires me to beg for my dads credit card to pay for it - so, no go :(
Okay i found a shop that has them. Should be here monday.

*wipes forehead*

i'll go into town now, i need a workout
It's called 'rembours'

The shop packs it and includes a bill, the mailman collects the money and the mail company transfers it to the shop's account.

It costs about 10€ more then conventional shipping but it defies the hassle of a credit card and it's very fast.
I see, they should implement somthing like that over here, even though it's not to hard to get a prepaid credit card so :shrug:


we needs pics. postman with box, you taking box, just the box, being pulled out of box, PICS!
Sjaak said:
Hmz, sounds likely. Gautam, what were the memory timings on both systems?
3-2-2-1.5 on the A64 and 5-2-2-2 on the Dothan. But no, the real reason Nature is lower is because the video clock was slightly lower with the Dothan. 670/600 on the A64, 650/590 with the Dothan. Combination of summertime, but also I think the Dothan is inherently hurting the video clocks. Nature is 95%+ GPU test, not CPU/memory. Lobby likes memory bandwidth, but lower latency above that. The Dothan destroys the A64 in that test anyways.

Since my board died, I didn't have much opportunity for testing, but a new one should arrive shortly. Already have another brand new 730 sitting here waiting to be fired up.
Ah ok that explains it :) thanks for clearing.

BH5 and HDD's (another two of seagate 7200.7 200GB) have been ordered. I spent 700€ today :D

*but* i can make up for part of that...selling my current chip and ram should get me at least 175 :)
Sjaak said:
I am a happy man. I just got my tax returns from last year. Totals: 897 euro's. Yes that's right, nearly 900.

Call that alot of money when you're eighteen :)

Gonna order the BH5 right now and maybe the extra S-ata drives...i am getting sooo happy today.
my tax return was $8 USD :cry:

this is an awsome thread, wish I could join in but no funds atm =\. Still anxious to see what everyone is pushing these chips to, keep it up!
Start posts updated

pik4chu said:
this is an awsome thread, wish I could join in but no funds atm =\. Still anxious to see what everyone is pushing these chips to, keep it up!

Just start saving like i did in the beginning..20 here, 50 there :)

Good to see this is attracting more people. Was one of my goals when writing the start of the thread.