The spindlewatercoolingproject is finish and it works fine so far J
For small benchsession, i build an external watercooling. Compnents r Ehaim 1046, 120mm Radiator, 230V fan, filtresystem with valve of aquacomputer and a display to cherck the temperature. The system has a small size. 220x145x255mm. Coolingpower straight 200W. Peak 400W für some minuites.
i got the silver and black anodized aluminiumtops for the new cpu waterblock. Also 10 kilos nickleplated coldplates for my customers. I guess in next week i have some nice new pix of variants of the cpu waterblock. Iam excited to see the result. But i must mill white covers first. At least the parts r here and looks good
Attached some pix of a Zotac RTX 3060 Ti Watrblock
Hi, today i will update the forum for the last time of this year. I build an Asus TUF RTX4090 o24G OG with aRGB’s. Aside the No. UNO CPU waterblock it is my first one. For the next production r the following waterblocks planned.
KFA Geforce RTX 4070 TI EX Gamer
Playstation 5 waterblock
XFX RX7800XT Speedstar MERC319
AMD K7 waterblocks for Retrofans
Some Ramwaterblocks
The both GPU waterblocks in next year will have a new cover to hide some screws. We will begin the next year with a new design of GPU waterblocks based on the No. UNO CPU waterblock. Iam satisfied how it looks in real.
Hi, one of my favourite best looking Liquid Extasy GPU watrblocks is one of the RX Vega 64. The new waterblock of this year will have also such black cover, but an other shape.
I will check if i can use this design for the next waterblocks
Interesting choice with the shape/'points' in the impeller chamber. The 'house' shape feels like that would cause some sort of whirlpooling and potential variability in the actual flow rate, no? You want these chambers much more tight to the impeller, or at least even on all sides? I doubt it matters much, but just never seen one shaped like that.
I mean, it will spin, lol. But will it be as accurate as others without the odd shape? Might be worth testing to see what difference, if any, there in the flow rates.
What is in the top chamber? Why is it so 'big'? Is there going to be a LCD readout there or?
in the top is the resorvoir for the air. I tested it, it works fine ;-)
And also, its much biger then for pc watercooling. So the flowrate will be not worster.
Last days I milled a MSI RX 6900XT waterblock in acryl. I like it more than the acetalversion.
And I finish the AMD Version of the No. UNO. A cheaper lightversion does exist also. The first tests looks not that bad. But its what I expected, coz of the big surface of fins at the coldplate and the jetplate over the pcores. Attached some pix.
So...what's the likelihood of you doing custom VRM waterblocks, and what would the process be? In this specific instance, replacing the heatsinks on an Asrock TRX50 WS.
May be my english is too bad or google transalter lie...
If u want to place an order for a custommade VRM waterblock, u need to deliver CAD's in igs or stp or send ur hardware to me, to germany.
Yesterday i milled some copper heatspreader vor RAM modules. On monday i will mill the cooler.
I don’t have many updates report. The copper coldplates i milled already and I have been milling the plastic parts since a few days. I'm working now a little bit more with the large CNC, which should actually be mechanically stable. But it isn't. 4 years ago I had everything on the milling spindle serviced and replaced for €2500. However, the same problems still does exist. -> Tool is not always ejected correctly, especially if the machine hasnt worked since 2 months. Rust on the flange with increased cutting force, which is none.
The spindle is specified at 40cm³/min and my volume is only 7.5 cm.³/min. Shouldn't be a problem. But it is.
Since I can't get any further with a new repair because everything has already been repaired, I am seeking for a solution. I have 5 original tool holders that weren't cheap at €400 per piece. I got 20pieces more of remade clampingtools for around €150/piece.
It is noticeable that despite higher cutting forces due to the higher lever, this problem does not exist with the original tool holders. However, with the remade clampingtools I have rust on the tools. I have now ordered 5 new milling cutters and will test them with the original clampingtools and with the remade clampingtools and hope that something can be derived from this. I guess so.
New developments will be milled from April and the current round of production should be completed at the end of March, which will be quite tight. New are Sapphire Pulse RX 7800 XT Gaming and EVGA RTX 3070 TI XC3. Anyone who is interested in sending in their card is warmly invited.
One thing puzzles me... you say that since the tool's clamping screws have been replaced, rust has occurred.
Your (replacement) clamping screws are not full stainless steel certainly, 18/10 or higher quality, but not NASA (like many things today).
The rust comes from migration and/or slight wear of a coating layer.
What is the condition of your remplacement clamping screws ?
In any case, you're doing a great job ! Thanks for sharing your passion.
PS: rust spots can be treated with phosphoric acid... (I don't need to tell you to be careful!)
Edit: Ho, I just realized that what you're showing is the clamping tool!
Check the shaft then too
The problem of the clampingtool is the microvibration coz of a bad accuracy of the copied clampingtools. I dont have this problem with the originalclampingtools. The problem is, the copy cost 150€ per piece and the original 330€/piece. And i have 22 pieces of toolholder... ... so it would be expensive...
Iam close to send the last waterblocks to my customers. But iam still waiting of the nickleplated parts. In next time it is necessary to update my airfiltersystem. I need ~ 30% more flow. I must check if I can build it in the beginning of may.
For this round of production r finish: XFX RX7800XT Speedster MERC319, Playstation 5, KFA2 GeForce RTX 4070 Ti EX Gamer, Ramwaterblock for 2 and for 6 Module and a Custommade waterblock for an AMD K7.
For the next round of production r prepared: Asus B550I Aorus Pro AX, Sapphire Pulse RX 7800 XT Gaming 16GB DDR5 Dual, EVGA RTX 3070 TI CX3 und die Nvidia RTX 4080 SUPER FE. All watrblocks will be have an aRGB and a shield to hide the screws.
And the NO. UNO was tested at igorslab. Unfortunality the reviewer had problems to mount the block correctly. He tried to mount the block with 0,3 and 0.6Nm. The regular torque is 0,12nM L So the coldplate was deformed and the performance was not that good. The reviewer told me already by mail that the setup is not perfect for this waterblock. He said: its a worst case for the waterblock. Especially for the Acrylglasversion.
Nevertheless P5 für the Fullmetallversion. For such platform is the result not that bad even if we remember that the waterblock was not mounted correctly.
And I produced a Ram waterblock, based on DDR3 of Corsair dominator. I will change the design with aRGB and a cover to hide the screws. The cooler will be fit by the Bykski Heatspreader.
And the CPU waterblock No. UNO was tested by Igorslab. Unfortunality the review was made by an unexperienced reviewer. By mail he said he will write (but he didn’t):
The waterblock will perform much better at a flat IHS. Coz his IHS is concave -> worst case scenario for the waterblock
He said also that my waterblock might be incompatible to some Rammodules coz the frame is too big. Naja, also other blocks in the field have the same dimensions… he never mentioned it The waterblock is designed by Intels keepoutarea.
He said the waterblock will delivered with 2 designplates. Also not true.
He said the fullmetallwaterblock destroy a copper radiator. Its not true coz the waterblock is anodized. Acrylglasframe and backplate is deformed after mounting. But why? He work with a torque of 0,6Nm. Allowed is 0,12Nm. So, the coldplate is damaged. Nevertheless he still run tests. He admitted he had some problems to mount the block. Here, everything is fine. No problems. My betatester too
So in the end the result is the last place in the field of the acrylglas UNO even he got better results bfor. He mentioned it in the article -> 5K better than at the ranking. The waterblock would be stay in the middle. The fullmetall Uno is on P5. Not that bad for the worst case scenario.
Based on that review, I will check how to use compression springs and compare the torque of other waterblocks that I will get a baseline. May be my waterblock loose some performance. I will check it in may. I build an apparatus to see how many kilos affect to the IHS.
More of my feedback u will find in the forum of igorslab on side 2 under the article. I posted also some pix how it really works and there u can find more details and a releasedate for the No. Uno 75.
Here is my own testresult of No. Uno Acryl and Alphacool Core 1.
Hi guys,
i present a new design for our waterblocks. Pls check the pix of the new waterblock for the XFX RX 7800XT Speedstar MERC319. If u have a new project, or custombuild, u can contact me for help by mail to
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