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OC-Forums logo design contest

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Some of these entries are great, they look really good but my personal opinion is that these aren't logo material but more like banner material. Logo's are symbols of a web site and represent it. They are also easily remembered so simple. Think of most of the big companies. They don't have big flashy logo's, they're banners and advertisements may have flashy effects but they're logos remain simple. Some examples are, Pepsi, AMD, this forums old logo, dell's crooked "e", Abit's weird line through "abit", and many more.

Think about the current logo for OC forums. Its been made into a fan guard. Could you do that with some of the "logo's" submitted here?

So i'm asking you people that will be voting to think about some things:

1) Do you want this graphic representing our forums?
2)Can you remember it easily?
3) If people look at it, will it make them think "Overclockers forums"
4)Is it a banner or logo.

And i just want to say that I'm not trying to say that the works here are bad, they are all great, but that some arn't logo material.

bump, i think this is rather important for a bump
Since this was intended to be a poll but only wasn't due to VB limitations, I'll post statistics as we go.

Submission| # of votes

Total votes so far = 28
Last edited:
Umm did any one here realize that logos need to have standard sizes? If they are of different dimensions they wont work. Some are way tooo huge and others are only readable in their current size but need to be scaled down.
Nukemall said:
Umm did any one here realize that logos need to have standard sizes? If they are of different dimensions they wont work. Some are way tooo huge and others are only readable in their current size but need to be scaled down.

They can all be changed drastically. They are all completely editable.

So no, nobody realized that they need to be standard sizes, because they don't. They can be changed easily.
JML said:
Nope, or else I woulda won

haha, i got you beat:

Voting page glitch fixed

Some of you may have noticed a glitch in the voting page that was allowing multiple votes from the same person. That has now been fixed.
Voted..heh. A bit off topic, but, why does Greg have white stars? The other new admins have red ones??

I'm actually not a real "admin".. I don't perform any admin type duties.. The white stars show that I am an iNET employee. :)
greg said:
I'm actually not a real "admin".. I don't perform any admin type duties.. The white stars show that I am an iNET employee. :)

Oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying. The whites look good on you, hehe. See ya around.


Just so you know there are a few others around with white stars;) I think it is members with 5000 posts or more. :D May I suggest the color: pink :p
I actually didn't notice that I had white stars till you guys pointed it out. Shadow ÒÓ is the one that setup the iNET usergroup, I guess it was him that chose the white to represent us iNET folks. :)
greg said:
I'm actually not a real "admin".. I don't perform any admin type duties.. The white stars show that I am an iNET employee. :)
Does that mean I am an Inet employee? Cuz I havn't been getting a paycheck :/

lol... I think pink would be good too... Or maybe light blue...
I think you can still vote twice because I just went back to the page to check the results and its asking me to vote again. Just want to let you know so it can be fixed if need be. For now, I expect everyone here to be honest, please only vote once. Thanks.


EDIT: How can I check the results without having to vote again?
greg said:
I actually didn't notice that I had white stars till you guys pointed it out. Shadow ÒÓ is the one that setup the iNET usergroup, I guess it was him that chose the white to represent us iNET folks. :)

204.63 posts per day! I think youve beaten Shiyan! :eek: Shadow gave you the nesccesary post count to automatically get white stars :D I think custom stars for iNET people would be awsome, or wait, not stars, flowers :D give em pink flowers :D lol
