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q9650 OR E8600 in Q3??

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Apr 28, 2008
This is the question I have been asking myself. I'm going to get one or the other for sure. I'm currently running an E8400 and think its a great chip. So I can either get the 9650 which, when overclocked, should match the speed of my current processor (+ 2 extra cores of course :drool:) OR get an insane Wolfdale that should be a sick overclocker (again 2 cores.... a very fast 2 cores :burn:). I primarily game and do some photoshop and video editing (not a really significant amount). I know that currently duel cores are better for gaming, BUT, multi-threaded games are already popping up. I don't plan on updating again (after this purchase) for probably 2 years to the new platform (Bloomy ) so I do want future proof also.

There is also price points to consider (260$ vs. 550$) approx. for each.

Just looking for opinions.

That baby will hit 4.5ghz stable easily imo.

E8600 will most likely be the first time we see a 5.0GHz overclock on air.
Rofl look @ the vcore... over 1.9 I hope that was a Ln2 run. :attn:

YUPP it was.. just saw it.
As far as clocking abilities I think the Q9650 will probably do similar to the qx9650 except with a locked multi. In that case a 4ghz quad is not out of the ordinary.
What kind of Video editing do you do and what software do you use.;)
Nothing fancy... I do some web design for which I use photoshop to make background images other art work commonly found on web pages. As for video, nothing professional.... mostly just my own home videos for family and youtube stuff.
The Q9650 will clock (from what I've seen) as high as what the E8400 clocks now, with the right board that is.... the E0 revision is bringing some real nice features to the 45nm quads
What's the lowest possible VID on an E8400 / E8500 now?

I'm hoping the new stepping is at least .1v lower in it's best batch.
Nothing fancy... I do some web design for which I use photoshop to make background images other art work commonly found on web pages. As for video, nothing professional.... mostly just my own home videos for family and youtube stuff.
I guess you could go either way if your doing photoshop a quad will help, however with the videos it depends on your software if a quad will help. 95% of the games out there don't use quads yet.:beer:
It boils down to how high you want it to clock, as far as games you will see next to no difference between the two chips unless your multitasking. What I mean by this is....


If ya got all those open and doin stuff, I gaurantee the quad will be snappier.
Neither, whats wrong with your E8400 @ 3.8ghz? I can see why people would want to buy the latest CPUs of a new architecture, but buying the latest speed bumps seems kind of useless, unless your just going for an OC record.