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Radeon 9700? Or Quadro4 900XGL?

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Mar 2, 2002
Hey everyone, been a long time since I've checked these boards. Just got out of Marine Corps Boot Camp so I'm feeling a little bit "out of the loop" on a lot of things.

My dream computer is almost finished, and ready to be put together. The current video card I have is the Xtasy GeForce4 ti 4600, however I'm seeing now that the Radeon 9700 is a hell of a lot better.

Here is my question though, has anyone heard anything about putting a workstation video card like the Quadro4 900XGL in a gaming computer? This video card has a solid OpenGL driver, supports DirectX, and has amazing benchmarks. However would I run the risk of getting a lot of compatability issues with it? If so should I just stick with the ti4600, or go ahead and pick up the Radeon.

Here is my current setup:

Athlon XP 2000+
Abit AT7 Motherboard
1 gig DDR333 Kingston
Xtasy GeForce4 ti4600 Video Card
Barracuda ATA IV 80GB Ultra ATA/100 7200 RPM
(4) Cheetah X15 36LP - 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI 15000 RPM (RAID 0)

Thanks for any help!
I would just stick with the Ti4600, and now that the new 40.41 drivers are out you get a little bit more performance gain. The Radeon 9700 won't give you much noticible performance in todays games.
The Ti4600 is still the 2nd best video card out there so upgrading at this point isn't a very good idea. There really aren't many games out there right now that will require anything better than a Ti4200.

I'd wait a while and if the Ti4600 slips to where the GF3 Ti200 is now that's when you might want to upgrade.
GeForce 4's and Quadro 900XL's are the same card. There are a couple of jumpers on the back of the card that determine whether it is a Quadro or a GeForce.
so now i guess the question is, GF4 ti4600, or Radeon 9700.

if you got the dough to blow, then go with the mo!!!
HA starfox busts yet antother rhyme.

hehe, seriously, with games coming out like Doom 3, and
the next UT's, i'd go with the radeon so you can enjoy their
full potential.
Once again, it's better to buy a card for a game (Like Doom III) when it actually is released, not months before. There'll be better cards out or better prices out when it happens, and by no means is the Ti4600 you already have not going to be able to compete in any of these future games.
h0mersimps0n said:
nice setup, the military does pay well don't they ;-)

lol, I wish. I purchased everything before joining the military, when I still had a nice comfy office job.

Thanks for all of the help guys, I'll go ahead and take the advice and stick with the ti4600. I'll probably just wait until the Clawhammer comes out and then purchase a workstation video card around the same time on my next upgrade.

wouldnt a work station video card be expensive?

Yes, the nVidia Quadro4 900XGL runs about $1,100. That's why I was wondering if it would be worth it at all to purchase.
I've always wondered how those workstation cards perform against gaming cards. If they support Direct X then I guess they'd do pretty well.
Nvidia workstation cards don't performa as well in games as their desktop brothers as the drivers are more for quality than speed . Secondly their drivers are made for specific 3d rrendering programs ..... not games !!!

Since nvidia uses a unified driver architecture the latest dets may be installed ( insted of the regular workstation drivers ) with your quadro to get GF4 TI performance ( or almost ) . But this is an awfull waste of $ if you don't do 3d rendering work .

Right now the 9700 pro is the best gaming card there is but I'd keep that 4600 which also gives excellent performance unless u have $$$$$ to burn or want to give me your 'old' card :)

EDIT : "(4) Cheetah X15 36LP - 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI 15000 RPM (RAID 0) "

With specs like that , I think I need to 'be all that I can be' at boot camp too :D
Wow nice HD's :) Probably costs a lot heh.

I personally would up the CPU/Mobo isntead of going for 5 HD's, but it all depends on what you're trying to do :)
Gregory_WE said:
Wow nice HD's :) Probably costs a lot heh.

I personally would up the CPU/Mobo isntead of going for 5 HD's, but it all depends on what you're trying to do :)

Heh, well like I said. I purchased everything months and months ago. When I did buy them, they were basically just out. However a couple months went by, and then 3 months at boot camp, and they aren't so "new" anymore. I've decided to keep them until the Clawhammer comes out and upgrade then.
hey lopus, just wondering but are you in DATA? i have a friend in the marines, and he does data. i have another friend in communications. just wondering.
What's your MOS?

I love the military. I just cant take being in a office all day, I gotta be jumping outta planes, firing sniper rifles and M4s. Setting Claymore mines. *faints*

Sorry, reminicing. :)