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You got dat LSI on the way?

In a week from now my KM400 board and some ram should make it here too, then I'll just need to get this SCSI disk spinning, and I'm off with another XP 2500.

Cheers, Flix
ssgohan434 said:
i mite join the folding cause after seti phase 1 is over.

Please do!!! We would love to have your crunching power join the #3 team and help us get to #1

Got any other SETI friends you can bring over? :D
This won't be a big contribution to the cause, but every bit counts, right? I'm building another rig because I got anxious and bought a Prescott. Before you say anything, some of us have to learn the hard way. Something's holding me back in my current rig and I haven't been able to pinpoint it (memory, CPU or mobo). 2 sets of memory & 2 CPUs later, now I think it's the mobo. :bang head Another similar rig ought to help me find it! :rolleyes: Whatever happens, this should at least double my output

So for those noobs like me that are afraid to make a mistake like I did, don't be! Put your mistake to work like I will and Fold for the team!
It don't matter if all you can get is a P233 which barely meet deadlines. EVERYTHING HELPS!!! FOLD ON!!
Added a 2.0GHz Celeron for 24/7 folding only.

I'm going to talk to my workplace's network admin tomorrow, see what he thinks/can do. I'll also put this up on a couple of other forums I visit.
Recruited a 3.0ghz friend who's setting out to borg his whole family if all goes well... And I just finished my 2.4ghz portacomp, so when that's not in transit, it'll be adding..
Right now I have a 1700+ @ 1.63Gigs and a p3 @800 Mhz (if I find some time, I'll change its hsf so it will o/c more. I'll be adding a p4 @2.66 sometime this month, and I'll see if I can save money for a 2.4C rig.
Well my main rig is still down, since @#^%^#@ customs decided to hold my motherboard. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I added a 700MHz P3 earlier today though.
I've got three borgs trying to get installed. The people are having a hard time getting it set up. All of them are about 45 minutes away from where I live, all in different directions.

I guess I will just need to take a road trip around rural western Kansas, and make my rounds to make sure they are all running correctly to support the cause and team 32. :)
RadiationMan said:
I've got three borgs trying to get installed. The people are having a hard time getting it set up. All of them are about 45 minutes away from where I live, all in different directions.

I guess I will just need to take a road trip around rural western Kansas, and make my rounds to make sure they are all running correctly to support the cause and team 32. :)

That's some nice dedication right there, good job man. :D