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Warranty HeartBreak with Intel CPU

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Dec 15, 2001
Well my friends comp just died... wont turn on so firstly we switched power supplies and sigh still no luck. Called Abit and told them the comp was dead and that the IC7-Max 3 wasn`t turning on and if they had any suggestions... "sure they said take out all components including the P4 2.8C and attatch the power supply only to the MB and hit the power switch { the memory was left installed} well sure enought the MB came to life and the Tech said sorry to say bud but your CPU is dead. :(

OK so now onto calling Intel TechSupport ... hoping this would be a quick here`s your RA # just mail it in and you`ll get a new CPU in a week or so...doh this was not to be the case...
The first thing the tech said was you need to take the comp to a service center to be looked at by a A+ certified tech well DoH my frriend is A+ certy for 3 years and upon telling the Intel`s tech this he went on to say "Well you need to go buy another CPU and see if it works" then give them (intel) back a call with all the numbers and codes in the Bios and on both the dead and working CPU ,so that they can figure out if the cpu is compattable with the MB.
I then asked the tech " So if the new cpu works and proves that the old one is dead who will pay for the new CPU I just bought" ...
His reply " Well Sir you keep the new one and send back the bad one so we can warranty it."
Well if this is the case it would be better just to buy a new CPU when one dies and forget about trying to warranty it as Intel will not re-emburse you for the new one you bought. Or hope a pal of yours has a CPU he`s willing to lend you so you can test your MB.

Well my question is this ..Has anyone encountered such a problem when trying to warranty an Intel CPU?

Thanks and sorry for the lenghty story.
i would call again and say my cpu is broke and it is under warranty. end of story. give me a rma . no? give me your full name and let me talk to your supervisor. super says no?
get his name and write headquarters.
Thanks guys , the cpu was always running stock... and I did speak to a supervisor who said the same >>"Get another CPU and test."
"then give them (intel) back a call with all the numbers and codes in the Bios and on both the dead and working CPU ,so that they can figure out if the cpu is compattable with the MB." Now, How in the world could you give em the bios code off the dead cpu, if it will not boot?
sounds like 5th grade tech support to me, maybe they need some damn help. i can use another job :)

on another note, when you say m.b with ram came back alive? what do you mean? just saying the power lights came on? or something else? im confused.
trikotret said:
just tell them u borrowed a cpu from freind and ur motherboard worked..........Case is closed. Thats what I told them and got a new cpu in 48 hours

Well, I actually tried that today....because I don't know anyone else with a 3ghz cpu that would just "let" me borrow it, and they said "Yeah, get us the serial number off of BOTH cpus, thanks."

Is AMD like that on RMAs as well? FFS...