Mid-week reading – lots of interesting links this week, so take a break and enjoy.
Fun ways to transform your face online
Cool apps to add some punch to your pic.
3-D TV expected to come to homes in 2010
Look good in shades?
Free widgets for your PC can save energy
Be green and save power.
How to Tweak Outlook Email to Work for You
Nice tips!
Cursive writing may be fading skill, but so what?
Especially noted in doctors.
Intel Core i7 for laptops: first review
The skinny: FAST!
The Most Promising Games of Fall 2009
A peek at what’s coming.
Windows 7 Survival Guide: From 32- To 64-Bit
Good How-To on migrating drivers.
A boost for Linux or a Mac.
Keep Razors Sharp with Mineral Oil
Nice tip – save some $ by extending disposable’s blades.
Sound Sleeping Helps You Mix Custom Sleep Tracks
For those who need some help getting to sleep.
Microsoft begins confirming Windows 7 launch parties
Is this like a Tupperware Party for geeks?
The ultimate geek dream?
Giant squid caught off coast of Louisiana
That’s a LOT of calamari!
Swedish military bras burst, melt during ‘rigorous exercise’
Defies description!
Worth a look!
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