SETI News: Retakes 6th Place

The SETI Team takes back 6th Place! This week passed the Czech National Team, which held 4th Place for two years and 6th Place for the last three years. As a relatively small team this is a huge achievement! Between May and October 2005 we lost 6th and 7th Place to L’Alliance Francophone and BOINC Synergy. Recently we retook 7th Place pushing BOINC Synergy behind us, again. Let’s take a closer look at the current Top 10 teams, their size, and their SETI output, measured in RAC or Recent Average Credit:

As you can see our membership is quite small compared to our contemporaries yet our RAC is more or less in line with out current position. This speaks well of our members who, on an individual basis, continue to crunch far in excess of the competition one-on-one. Our members and their commitment to SETI make us strong – and our overclocking knowledge doesn’t hurt either! At the present time our position looks pretty secure. Our total points will keep us ahead of any would-be userpers from behind while our RAC will continue to haunt those ahead like a pack of hunting dogs on the heels of it’s prey. It’ll be a long chase but I believe, with continuing commitment and solidarity, we will take 5th Place … but today we celebrate!


About QuietIce 4 Articles
Land surveyor and computer geek since 1984 ...!->

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Avatar of Kryten451


25 messages 0 likes

This is very cool. :attn:

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15,734 messages 0 likes

I had looked at the raw numbers before but when I graphed them out I was really shocked at the difference in RAC/member compared to everybody else. Only Team Starfire came close to ours, everybody else is way behind ...

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Avatar of Voodoo Rufus
Voodoo Rufus

Powder Junkie Moderator

6,925 messages 591 likes

Nice article to put things in perspective of where we stand and what we're capable of.

Spell check on first line,


I noticed here that we are outproducing Francophone and the Knights. If we can push our output a bit more in the future we can have all three of the next teams above us on our threat list. That could be fun.

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15,734 messages 0 likes

I saw the error too late. Unfortunately, my spell-checker won't pick up mistakes in url's, which is essentially what that is ... :(

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Avatar of Codeman05


1,844 messages 0 likes

nice work team :beer:

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Avatar of rebturtle


17 messages 0 likes
Avatar of 4GHZ_or_bust

Now 6GHz or Bust!

2,441 messages 0 likes

My PC is back up and running. Not overclocked at present but every little bit helps.

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Avatar of sephkeene


12 messages 0 likes

I just joined the team, and brought my two machines back up. I'm running a Phenom II 810, and an Opteron 170. I have over 1.5mil credits, and when things are going well, I'm making 4k RAC.

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Avatar of Sir-Epix


1,083 messages 12 likes

I just joined the team, and brought my two machines back up. I'm running a Phenom II 810, and an Opteron 170. I have over 1.5mil credits, and when things are going well, I'm making 4k RAC.

Welcome to the Team! It is always nice to meet and great with the team members... don't be a stranger here in the forums.

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15,734 messages 0 likes

I just joined the team, and brought my two machines back up. I'm running a Phenom II 810, and an Opteron 170. I have over 1.5mil credits, and when things are going well, I'm making 4k RAC.

:welcome: to OC*SETI!

You should be in the Milestones thread a week from now when I do the bi-weekly Milestones. I also do a weekly Top 10 for DAC and RAC every Sunday (usually). ;)

What name do you crunch under?

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