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world of warcraft

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Apr 9, 2003
Just wondering is there anyone in here who's in the world of warcraft closed beta testing?
actually WoW has no NDA and the only thing that was prohibited was making movies, which I also think has been lifted. Anyways Open Beta sign ups are in a few days :)
Closed beta is amazin. Everyone helps everyone else out.

Just started a new Character, level 13 Human Paladin. I love it! I'm buyin two copies of this game, one to open, and one to keep mint!
lvl 21 dark elf druid

things are going to suck once it goes open beta. most people are freindly and helpful right now. once the influx of newbs comes in its going to be nothing but arguements between closed testers and open testers
twump said:
lvl 21 dark elf druid

things are going to suck once it goes open beta. most people are freindly and helpful right now. once the influx of newbs comes in its going to be nothing but arguements between closed testers and open testers

I agree. I enjoy the friendly atmosphere that we all have. But I can already see the truth in your words. The people that didnt get in seem to be very bitter
The Saga of Ryzom Open Beta was full of a bunch of friendly groups, I wish I was in closed beta, but now I look forward to open.
I know next to nothing about this game apart from the fact it's a MMORPG, or whatever ya call em.

Are the characters like Warcraft 3 then??

How many levels an you get to?
twump said:
things are going to suck once it goes open beta. most people are freindly and helpful right now. once the influx of newbs comes in its going to be nothing but arguements between closed testers and open testers

That's what happens w/ every Blizzard game. The online play is great for the first few weeks, but after every CS-playing 12-year-old manages to get a copy, it goes down hill really quick.
After it goes gold......we must find a server where the n00bs won't follow. I like MMO's, but people never roleplay enough for my taste so I've never really played for long. Is OC still possibly looking into making a clan?
I'm going to get this game over EQ2 since I just hate SOE and want to play something different. The only thing is what is up with the boring classes? I mean talk about your basic classes i.e warrior, healer, mage bleh.. I was looking to play the Hunter class but, one visit to the hunter forums and I decided I don't want to play a gimped class. So I'm looking at starting a Rogue or warrior. Still though I hope the items in the game make the playability of these classes more fun since it really only looks like an EQ1 clone.
Am I the only person that thought WoW absolutely sucked??? Bleh.. got to level 40 with my NE fighter and 30 something with my NE preist and 20 something with my undead warlock. The whole time it felt like I was pulling teeth from boredom to stay awake and enjoy the game. The game was just horrible in my opinion. The only redeeming factor is the ton of quests you can do almost non-stop. Other then that.. the game felt like a single player game and rarely like a MMORPG. You don't actually have to interact with anyone unless you are sitting around the bank selling stuff and showing off your l33t l00t your guy is wearing. Big whuup.

There is almost no sense of community in the game cause it's rare to even need a group, even at higher levels. And talk about IMBALANCE. Unless you a priest or a mage forget PVP. In fact, priests make every other class useless. They tank almost as well as any fighter, deal as much damage as any mage, heal themselves... instant spells.. grr it's sick and stupid how imbalanced the game is. Of course it's been a month since I last played but I don't regret it. The only reason I played for as long as I did is because I like testing stuff, I like FREE games, and I was hoping something would be done to correct the game. Since a) it's about to go from free to pay to play soon, and b) it seems like nothing is really being done to fix the glaring problems in the game I gave up on it.

If you are a blizzard fan boy I'm sure you'll force yourself to find *something* you can like about the game. Others do. Sorry, I don't pick the games I like based off one or two things that a game has to offer if the rest of the game sucks big balls.
Doc, I can see what you're saying and I think that you forgot that you were playing the game in beta phase. It's not finished yet, and therefore many things will be "gimped." I didn't play as long as you, as I was only in the stress test, but I was grouped up many times, and the community was pretty overwhelming from my point of view. As all mmog's seem to be these days, it probably won't end up being ready to be released at release, but Blizzard will still release it. Either way I think it's miles ahead of any other mmog I've seen, read about or played.
Why I am looking forward to WoW:
Racial hatred
Naming Policy
RP Server (much more immersive)
Bensa said:
Why I am looking forward to WoW:
Racial hatred
Naming Policy
RP Server (much more immersive)

1) Questing is there (good if that is a reason you are looking forward to it)
2) Racial hatred... well only on the PVP server and in that case it's a tiny amount of horde pissed off against the alliance because 90% of everyone is alliance and slaughters repeatedly the horde. It's damn near impossible to play horde on the pvp servers
3) Sorry... still was seeing wayyy to many bad names. So much I didn't know there was a naming policy being enforced.
4) err... still haven't seen one yet. Just a bunch of talk over it.

I guess 1 out of 4 could work for you. If I'm looking at a lsit of things I expect from a game I expect damn near everything on my list to be there if the game promised all of those things.

As for beta... good god don't give me that crap. More then likely, I've been beta testing games before you were a smear down your mom's legs. This near completetion of the game means that it will NOT live up to it's own hype. Sorry, I've been doing this too long. That's an excuse. If it was a year ago and the game was in this state and they didn't have a definite deadline on release THEN I could see using the, it's in beta excuse. Sorry, they now have a definite release time frame and as such... the game will be crap in my book.

I will skip it for now.
actually im trying to put together a small open beta guild on one of the faction vs faction servers, if anyone would like to join me that would be cool!
El-Scotto said:
actually im trying to put together a small open beta guild on one of the faction vs faction servers, if anyone would like to join me that would be cool!

perhaps. Will the closed beta accounts be wiped?