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Why All The Sudden Sci-Fi?

A reasonable question to ask. The First Commandment for writers is: Know Your Audience. We’ve always been more prone to ask people than most other sites, though we’ve never had a “just cast a vote” poll. There’s a good reason

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Bytes For Babes

Yesterday, I spoke about aliens showing up to offer us computers for a lot of money. Let’s change the particulars a little bit. The aliens show up. They explain that most of their men and all their women got wiped

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What If?

Today will be light, really a chance to catch up on prior surveys, but here’s an intriguing question for now. I think we’ll find a moral to this story, maybe a few. Aliens show up tomorrow, not to invade, but

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No Intel x86-64?

The Inquirer reports that Intel won’t go with an x86-64 processor. I wouldn’t take that all too seriously. Not that I think we’re being lied to, but you shouldn’t take that statement as meaning there’s no way, no how it

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Why Not?

If nothing else, this should be at least foolishly entertaining. 🙂 The conventional wisdom said the United States could not beat Portugal. The conventional wisdom said the United States could not beat Mexico. Now the conventional wisdom says the United

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Hammer Is 2003

The Inquirer reports that third-party Hammer motherboard probably won’t be ready until 2003. Of course, you need a CPU to go into that motherboard, so here is what Hector Ruiz, the head of AMD said about this two days ago.

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Benchmark Validity

William Campbell says in this article that most benchmarking of computer products isn’t worth the electrons it’s printed on. He’s right. He looks at one specific test, and points out that one particular test has a pretty high level of

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AMD announced that they expected their revenues to be about 30% lower than they had expected. Not unreasonably, the questions being asked at the conference call centered on the details of this decline. And AMD basically took the Fifth. There’s

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Does The PIV Have A Stutter?

I’m noticing something about the PIV, both here and abroad. Here, I’m noticing that when I’m watching a video, the video stutters. Long enough to be noticeable, often enough to be noticeable. Not something I noticed with the same files