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Remote Cooling

or “How to route cooling air from a remote location to a computer located inside of an entertainment center and significantly reduce system noise at the same time.” – biyonic2000

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PIV Lists

Intel updated some of its processor spec sheets the other day. While there aren’t any changes of immediate note (though there’s a few additions to future processors), we’re revising our early lists, expanded them to include all PIV processors, and

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Cleaning Up Cheaply

After seeing an article about a waterblock where the user did not clean it very well, I felt I should offer some advice. Instead of using harsh chemicals and lots of elbow grease to clean your copper block, use something

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Does The Mobo Go?

Within weeks, we should be seeing these cheap TBredBs. A big question (at least for some mobo manufacturers) is whether you’ll buy it a new home, or just evict the old Athlon from the old homestead and move in this

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Hypercooling for Hyperthreading

Got an email that got me thinking a bit. Someone wrote me complaining that a particular website used the absolute maximum wattage figure for Athlons, while only using the Thermal Design Power figures for the PIV. This actually is an

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The Next O/C Surge

XBitLabs stated the other day that AMD TBred production was going to TBredB and that low-speed TBredB 1700+ and 1800+ CPU would start shipping from Dresden December 11. The key term here is “start shipping.” In all likelihood, we won’t