A few people have taken one look at FX prices and then immediately started looking into the overclocking possibilities of lesser Opterons. There’s a couple problems associated with that. Upping the Multiplier If you’re looking at overclocking a 1.4GHz Opteron,
Adrian Rojak Pot has an an article about all the people stealing his work and pretending it is their work. This is a pretty common occurrence for websites. It happens to us fairly often, and the response we get is
We’ve been advising for some time to cool it for a long while when it comes to major upgrades. For the average member of the audience, that means until the second half of 2004, perhaps even early 2005. We think
AMD apparently tried to explain why AMD needs to go to socket 939. There’s something very false and something very true in those statements. What is very false is any implication that the socket itself needs to be changed. What
Tejas To Be A Modular Processor? Here’s the article mentioning this. The concept itself is fascinating. In theory, you could “build your own CPU,” including the things you do want, and exclude the things that you don’t. If you’re Joe
Ace’s Hardware took an Athlon FX, froze it, and got 2.8GHz out of it. It then ran some benchmarks. While you probably shouldn’t take all too seriously some of the claims as to PIV equivalence made in the article; it
The Inquirer has some revised figures on expected desktop Hammer production. Keep in mind when you view these figures that AMD’s quarterly production of CPUs over the past few years has been in the range of 6,000,000-8,000,000 CPUs a year.