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Intel Results . . .

Intel released its results last night. They made a billion and a half dollars last quarter. That’s a little better than they’ve done the last few quarters, but nothing earthshaking. What do you need to know about it? It’s the

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Official Overclocking . . .

Headline: Dell To Sell Overclocked Machine. It is a truth of capitalism that it can absorb any idea, any concept, no matter how antithetical it may seem to that system, even rebellion against the system, so long as someone can

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The Gigabyte DS3 and D9 Issue

Some people know what I’m talking about when I say the Gigabyte DS3 has an issue when it comes to running D9 RAM. Others of you don’t know what I’m talking about, so I’ll start from the beginning When people

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The Meaning of “Good Enough”

In my previous article I claimed that all the blocks I tested were ‘good enough’ and did not require further lapping. After this was published, it occurred to me that I had written a meaningless statement. I had not qualified

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A Lifestyle Choice . . .

We asked yesterday if you would prefer an all-in-one electronic Swiss knife that could do everything, or prefer separate components for different functions. Well, the iPh— (don’t want to get the Cisco people any madder than they are) and its

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iPhone . . .

You no doubt know Apple announced its iPhone yesterday. It’s a phone, an iPod, and a web browser. You certainly don’t know about a conversation I had with a young relative on the subject a few weeks ago. The gist

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Broken Telephone . . .

There’s a game played by children that’s called a variety of names, “telephone” being one of them. The game is quite simple, you get a bunch of people together in a line, you give the person at one end of